Is this love...? Chapter 5 :

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It's been 3 days since the.. Incident. Sakura and Kaito haven't talked to each other since.

Probably because Sakura was a bit scared and Kaito didn't want Sakura to be hurt again.

But on the bright side, the school festival is in a week.

When Sakura entered the classroom, there still was a bit whispers and rumors about her but she just ignored them.

"Silence. As you may know, the school cultural festival is in a week. We need 2 students, a male and a female to represent the class." The class was silent, there aren't many students that enjoy being the representative but Sakura decided ti try it out.

She slowlt raised her hand and spoke softly, "C-Can I?"

The teacher smiled and nodded, "Who will be the male?"

Kaito was shocked that Sakura would do something that involved socializing. He wanted to work with Sakura so he also stood up which caused a bit talking.

The other female students would want to represent now since they found out that Kaito would be volunteering.

"Ok, the representative for Class 2-4 is Kaito and Sakura."

They both went to the front of the room. Sakura wrote a chart and turned around to face the students. "D-Does anyone have a-an idea for the cultural f-festival?"

A male student raised his hand and spoke, "How about a maid cafe?" There were some agreements from the class.

Sakura was convinced that the only reason why they want to do the maid cafe was because the boys want to see the girls in maid outfits, serving people and saying "Welcome Master/Mistress."

Sakura nodded and held the chalk, she wrote "Maid Cafe" on one of the slots. A girl stood up, "How the boys could dress up as butlers to help out. If we are doing the maid cafe."

Sakura added the butler part for the maid cafe. Another suggested a haunted house. A play. Etc.

As she was writing, she thought of ideas for her story that she is currently writing.

In the end they voted and the thing Class 2-4 will be doing is...

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Aaaand that's the end of chapter 5!
Your welcome for the cliffhanger! Jk, I just don't know what to write about, a play, cafe, haunted house or maybe something else. So comment and vote for what you'd like to see ^~^
Bai baii
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Check out my new manga sort of story called Evil? Or nice?
~ Joykachu

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