Chapter 1

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"Oh and there's this new series that recently came out, I heard it's pretty good." Kuroo says as we're making our way back to our homes. Volleyball practice ended a while ago, and he has been talking about random topics this whole time we've been walking home.

I don't really mind it, as my attention is on my video game, but Kuroo knows that i'm still listening to him. I just don't talk much. He knows I don't like a lot of noise, which is why he's not talking that much. It's still noisy though...

A few minutes later we reach our neighborhood.

"See you tomorrow morning, and don't stay up playing video games again haha." He says laughing at me.

"Whatever. See you tomorrow." I say. It's not like my parents will let me stay up anyways, since they found out.

I unlock the front door of my house, and after entering I lock it again. I take off my shoes and make my way upstairs, into my room. I leave my stuff on the floor next to my desk, and get my clothes ready before going inside my bathroom, ready to take a shower. The running water keeps me thinking. So much that I  end up having the same thoughts as always.

. . .

After my shower, I leave the bathroom and sit on my desk chair, and take my books out so i can finish my remaining homework and study for a bit. My phone keeps vibrating a lot. I wonder if someone's texting me or something. But why would anyone do that? Could it be Kuroo annoying me again?

I look through my notifications, and then spot something. A tweet related to a game i used to play. It wasn't that popular when i downloaded it, but it seems like it's finally getting the fame it needs. A new update available?

I quickly click on the tweet to see more about the update. A housing system has been added to the game, and players could live in other player's houses or visit them. Woah, a lot of other things too.

I look through the comments and all of them seem to be happy and satisfied with the new update. I guess it's a big deal now. I look a bit more through the comments and notice one that made me remember how I felt when i first downloaded the game.


I wanna play but have no one to play with :(


I decide to not think about it and leave the app, just to enter the game and update it. 2 hours until it's complete. 

I decide to take a break from studying, since it's almost been two hours, and go downstairs to get something to snack on. No one is home, since both of my parents work until 6pm. A lot of people would say they feel lonely, but i don't really feel like that. I was alone most of my life, well, until Kuroo came into it, but i got used to being alone. It's not that bad anyways. 

Ugh, what am i saying. My mind always wonders so much.

I'm getting bored again. I decide to go to my room and settle down on the window nook in my room with my gaming console, and play some random game. I notice the sun setting and look out my window, at the sky. Some stars are already visible. For some reason, i feel like something good will happen today. But what? The day's almost over.

I ignore that thought and go back to playing my game. A while later I hear the front door opening and closing. My parents are already home. I would like to greet them, but i'm way too comfortable on my window nook, so i just continue playing my video game. 

. . .

"Kenma! Dinner's ready!" My mom calls out to me. I go downstairs and we all greet each other and have dinner together. We don't talk much, since the conversation is mostly between my parents.

After dinner and cleaning up, I go upstairs to my room and shut the door. I change into my pajamas and lie on my bed this time. Before I can even enter my game on my gaming console, someone knocks on my door. 

"Come in." I say, and the door opens. 

"Hey Kenma, just wanted to remind you to sleep early tonight. And don't forget to brush your teeth." He says.

I'm not a little kid anymore.

"Yeah, I know." I reply, and my dad nods with a small smile and closes the door.

I sigh and do what my dad told me to. Then I lie on my bed and turn off the lights. I stare at the ceiling in the dark room for what seems like eternity.

I decide to turn on my phone ad slide through it out of boredom, hoping to find something to do to tire me. Then I notice the game that i just update. Wouldn't hurt to play for a bit. 

I enter the game and after logging in, I do all my dailies. I did them in about ten minutes, so i'm obviously still bored. Also wouldn't hurt to play in co-op for a bit. 

I start requesting to join random peoples worlds, and most of them declined.

Sigh, it's the same as always. I'll just sleep.

Co-op loading

My eyes widen a bit. "That was unexpected." I say to myself. I notice i'm already in, and i greet the two players that just finished fighting a boss. We play for quite a while, just helping out the owner of the world, LittleGiant.

Have I seen that name somewhere?

. . .

Game Chat

P2 - Coco
gg (Good game)

P1 - LittleGiant(✦ ‿ ✦)
WOW you're like a pro neko!!

You too Coco!!

I got a compliment?

P2 - Coco
Ty ty (Thank you thank you) it was nothing hehe

I should probably reply before they disband the team...

P3 - neko

P2 - Coco
Shoot i gotta go- bye!

Coco has left the world

P1- LittleGiant

Byeee!! Thanks for helping

Sigh, it's just the two of us now... what do i say?

P1 - LittleGiant
neko! do you wanna explore or fight some more bosses?!?


P2 - neko

We play for two more hours before they tell me they have to go. It was fun playing with them. Kind of sad how we probably wont play together again.

I open the main menu on the game, ready to exit the game, but right before i click off, something catches my eye. A little red dot on the 'Friends' option. I click it, and to my surprise, LittleGiant sent me a friend request. Woah, it's been ages since I've gotten a friend request in this game. It makes me feel a little better than before. I quickly accept it and instantly receive a message.

Good night neko!!

I can feel the wave of nervousness hitting me harder and harder every time i reread the text. I have to reply before they leave.


Good night.

Then I exit the game. I try not to think much about it, and go to sleep.



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