Chapter 11

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"Kenmaaaaa! C'mon wake uppppp." I hear the same voice i heard yesterday morning, and slowly open my eyes.

"Ah... g'morning Kuroo." I say, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"Don't 'G'morning' me! Why are you oversleeping a lot these day anyways?" he asks as he sits cross legged on my desk chair. "Don't tell me you're playing videogames all the time again." I stay silent in response, him quickly understanding that's exactly what i've been doing.

"Ah..." he sighs and then looks at me in the eyes. "I thought you were following your 'healthy routine' now. Why the sudden change?" he asks and i think for a moment.

"S-Shoyo..." I say not making eye contact. Kuroo remains silent for a bit.

"Well get ready then. I'll wait for you downstairs." he says and leaves the room. That was... weird. He never waits for me downstairs so that's a first. It also confirms that i was right. Something is definitely bothering him. I quickly get ready and make my way downstairs. "G'morning." I say greeting my mom, who is seated on the couch with her laptop, probably doing some work. She has a day off today but decided to continue doing her work.

"Oh, good morning Kenma." She says looking up from the laptop. "I think Kuroo's in the kitchen." she says and i nod, walking to the kitchen right after.

"Hey," I say walking into the kitchen.

"Hi. You're ready?" Kuroo asks.


"Alright. Wanna go to a cafe first since we both haven't had breakfast yet?" he asks as he moves his gaze from outside the window to me.

"Yeah sure."




Kuroo and I are walking to the cafe and he's obviously silent just like how i predicted.

"Is everything alright?" I ask finally breaking the silence.

"Why do you ask?" he says, not looking at me.

"You seem a bit, different. Too silent and acting kinda cold. Makes me wonder if i did anything wrong." I say, keeping my voice neutral.

"Ah... you didn't but, i probably did..." he says sighing and rubbing the back of his head with his right hand.

"What do you mean?" It takes a while for him to answer.

"It's hard to say..." he mumbles and then stays silent for a bit. "I kind of like someone..." that part kind of surprises me as kuroo isn't the type to fall in love so quickly.

"But they don't like me back... I try to get their attention but it's like they don't care. Or more like they just see me too much as a friend that they've become oblivious to my feelings. Plus they like someone else so i have no chance anyways, haha." he admits in a low voice, looking down at the pavement.

"..I see." I say, not really knowing what else to say. "Sorry i asked.."

"It's fine. I hope things work out between you and Shoyo." he says confusing me. Then it hits me. shit...


"It's ok kenma. I'm not mad or anything. Maybe a bit sad but i'll get over it," he says as he looks at me with a sad smile.

"After breakfast you can hang out with him. He said he'll be in the park with the ice cream shop at 12." he says.

"How do you-"

"He asked me."

Now i'm the one that looks down at the pavement. "Thanks..."i say silently.

"And sorry..."

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