Chapter 9

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The rest of the weekend goes by and i said my goodbyes to Shoyo's family. Shoyo wanted to come with me until the train station but i didn't want to give him that much work so i told him to stay at home.

It is now Monday and I am currently walking to school with Kuroo. He is talking a lot about some random new show that just aired, and for the first time , i'm not paying attention. It's not that i don't want to, it's because my mind keeps wondering around somewhere else. Mostly just going back to Shoyo, which is unusual of me. 

"Keeeenmaa!" i hear Kuroo whining and look at him. "Yes?" i ask him, and he stares at me with an angry pout on his face. 

"You're not even listening to me. What's up with you today? Did something happen over the weekend?" Kuroo asks me and i just shake my head.

"No. It was fun. Tiring but fun. Kind of like volleyball i guess." I say, looking back in front, so i don't bump into anything. Kuroo is a bit silent before speaking up again.

"What did you guys do?" he asks.

"Nothing much, just hanging out and stuff," I answer, and kuroo then starts asking more questions, and so, we end up talking about our weekends while walking to school. 

"Y'know, no matter how you describe it, it still sounds like a super long date." Kuroo teases with a mocking smile on his face. 

"Whatever. I already told you that's not how it is." I say rolling my eyes. We step inside the school and go our separate ways to our classes. 

Hours pass and after volleyball practice, everyone starts heading home. 

"Hey, do you wanna buy some ice cream? It's kinda hot today." Kuroo asks.

"Sure" I respond. We make our way to the ice cream shop near the park a few blocks from our homes. For some reason, something feels kind of off, but i just shrug it off. 

"One caramel ice cream and one chocolate mint ice cream please." Kuroo orders for both of us, and a few seconds later hands me the chocolate mint one.

"Thanks." I say, taking it.

We then start making our way home, and when we reach my house, we bid our goodbyes. I enter my house and walk to my room, doing my normal routine.




"Kenma, dinner's ready!" My mom calls out from downstairs. It's now a few hours later, and my parents are already home.

"Coming!" i say and make my way downstairs.

"Kenma, we'd like to talk to you about something." Mom says, and i look up from my plate. 

"Yeah?" i say, not sure if i did anything wrong.

"Your mother told me." dad speaks up and i remember what they're talking about.


"We're not mad at you kenma. We just want you to know you can trust us, and we'll try our best to understand you alright? So don't go around lying to your parents." Dad says and i just nod.


"By the way, this Hinata kid seems like a nice kid." Dad says.

"He is. Full of energy." I say and my parents smile.

"That's good." Mom says and i nod. 




My phone vibrates and when i look at it, i see a notification from kuroo, asking if i wanna hang  out. I reply saying it's already late, and we have school tomorrow, so no. 

I wonder why he's being acting kind of... out of character. I go back to my game on my gaming console, but stop soon when my phone starts ringing. It's Shoyo. I pick it up.


"Hi Kenma!!"

"Hi Shoyo. How are you?" 

"I'm good! What about you??"

"I'm also good."

"Nice! Well i just wanted to check up on you hehe. We were together yesterday but now it's like your so far away haha!"

I smile.

"Yeah," how am i supposed to say i miss you without saying i miss you?

"I hope we see each other again soon," i say.

"Me too!" he replies with his same cheerful voice.

"Well, i must be going to sleep now." i say.

"Alright! i was gonna head to sleep soon too, goodnight!"


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