Chapter 4

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"What, really?!?" Kuroo asks me, standing up from where he's seated.

"Yeah, i said sure..." i say, feeling kind of nervous at the thought.

"Holy shit that's awesome." Kuroo says, and i kind of know what he's gonna say next...

"Can I go with youuuu???" he asks with puppy eyes. Too bad they don't work on me.


"Pretty please Kenmaaa???"


"C'mon i don't wanna be aloneee," he says and i slightly glare at him.

"You have Bokuto. You guys always hang out anyways." I tell him.


"You'll meet him next time. If there's gonna be one." I say, stuffing my face on my pillow and hugging it.

"Fine!" Kuroo says. Even though i can't see him, i can tell he's pouting.

"Kenma! I'm home!" Mom's voice is heard from downstairs and i check the time on my phone while calling back at her. But my whole attention is on the text i got 5 minutes ago.

What about tomorrow?? it's friday and we could have a sleepover!

A sleepover already, isn't he going a bit too fast..? Not that i'm complaining. But how am i gonna ask mom? Despite the thoughts i'm having, i reply to Shoyo.

ok. I have to ask my parents first

Alright!! i also gotta ask my mom hehe

I smile at the text.

alright. I'll tell you when i ask them.

I exhale and turn around to look at the ceiling.

"Wanna go downstairs?" I ask Kuroo and he agrees.

. . .

"Good evening auntie!" Kuroo greets my mother when we walk past the kitchen and into the living room.

"Oh hey Kuroo! Do you want to stay over for dinner? There'll be plenty for everyone," Mom says with a smile on her face.

"Sure, thanks!" Kuroo replies and mom nods. "I'll start cooking then!" she says disappearing into the kitchen.

When Kuroo and i are alone in the living room we decide to watch whatever is on the tv. Though i'm not really paying attention, as i'm trying to think of how i'm gonna ask mom and dad to have a sleepover with a friend to me, but a stranger to them.

Some time passes and the front door opens, with dad walking inside. "Hey kids," he says waving at us, and we wave back.

"Hi uncle! I'm staying over for dinner if you don't mind!" Kuroo says and dad smiles. "You're always welcome here, make yourself at home." he says and goes upstairs so he can take his shower before dinner.

. . .

Everyone is now seated at the dining table, enjoying mom's dinner, and they're all chatting. I'm kinda anxious about asking them. What is they say no...

"Can i sleepover at a friend's house?" I blurt out without thinking. Everyone looks at me, including Kuroo. I didn't tell him about the sleepover.

"Of course! You can go to Kuroo's place whenever you want to." Dad says and i shake my head. Why would he assume it's kuroo... I'm kind of pissed at that, but i shrug it off.

"It's not Kuroo. It's someone i met in middle school," I lie. "He moved away in high school. We just wanna hang out." Kuroo doesn't say anything, but i think he caught up.

"But you were always around Kuroo, who's this other kid?" Dad asks, looking at me suspiciously.

"I already said it's a friend..." i say silently not making eye contact. To my surprise, Kuroo speaks up for me.

"It's true, his name is Hinata Shoyo. We were pretty close back in middle school! He would hang out with Kenma and i since we were close haha." he says with a smile on his face. Thanks Kuroo.

"Well, I don't see a problem with it!" Mom says all cheerfully. "But i want to drop you off." She says.

"Uh... he's in Miyagi right now..." I say.

"No problem! I can get off work early and we'll take the train there together!" She says, and i feel more relaxed.

"Alright, thanks..." I say and she nods excitedly. We enjoy the rest of dinner, everyone chatting while i'm trying to calm my breath. Is this what they call excitement? Feels like i'm about to pass out any moment, not pleasant at all. My heart's racing like crazy i don't even know why.

"Thanks for dinner auntie and unlce! I'll be on my way home now." Kuroo says after helping out with the dishes.

"Of course!! Kenma can you walk Kuroo out please?" Mom asks and i nod."Alright."

"Good night" Dad says and mom waves goodbye at Kuroo, and he waves back.

Kuroo and I leave the house and start making our way to his, which isn't that far, just a few houses away.

"I didn't know you were gonna have a sleepover with Shoyo." Kuroo says, interrupting the silence.

"I know," I say. "Shoyo just suggested it since tomorrow is Friday, so i just agreed."

"Do you want to though?" Kuroo asks, kind of surprising me.

"Why do you ask that?"

"i know it's hard for you to say no to some strangers. Just making sure you're fine..." Kuroo says, rubbing his hand behind his head and looking up at the sky. We make it to his house i hear a faint "Just stay safe out there" from Kuroo but don't reply to that.

"...Goodnight." I say and he nods, his usual smile coming back to his face. It looks a bit off though.

"Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow!" he says and i nod, turning around and heading back home.

Once i reach my house i enter and lock the door. The lights are off already, so i'm assuming mom and dad are in their room already. I head upstairs and close the door to my room when i'm inside it. I let out a tired sigh and get ready for bed. Then i turn off the lights and lie down on my bed, grabbing my phone from the nightstand next to it.

hey shoyo
my parents are fine with the sleepover. My mom said she wants to drop me off though...

Seconds later i receive a reply.

Hi kenma!! It's fine! I'll be waiting for you at the station!!

Alright. My ride is gonna be pretty long. I'll probably get there around 6pm since i'll leave at 4

That's fine i'll arrive at the station a bit before 6 ok??


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