Chapter 6

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The walk to Shoyo's house was really calm and relaxing. The sun has set and the sky is a deep dark blue, with hints of purple, almost not visible. And stars were everywhere.

"The sky's pretty..." I accidentally mumbled out loud. 

"Yeah, it's even prettier around 10 pm to 12 am!!" Shoyo says, kind of surprising me since i thought he didn't hear. 

"That's nice..." I say looking at the ground, feeling a small smile form on my lips. I've never really thought I'd see the sky like this. And if i did, i probably wouldn't care about it. But it feels... different when i'm with someone. And not just someone... I look at Shoyo and can feel that fuzzy feeling people call 'butterflies' in my stomach. I wanna say something, but i don't exactly know what.

"That's my house!" Shoyo exclaims, breaking the silence, and bringing me back to reality. I look at the house he's pointing at and nod. It looks nice and warm. Welcoming, i must say. We walk up to the front door and he unlocks the door after looking for the key in his bag. 

"Mom! We're home!" Shoyo says when we walk inside the house. A very nice aroma, coming from what i assume is the kitchen, finds it's way to us, and not gonna lie it makes your mouth kind of watery.

"Shoyo! Are you with your friend???" His mom asks from the kitchen.

"Yep!" Shoyo replies, and he leads us to where his mom is. She looks exactly like her son. Fluffy looking orange locks, brown eyes and a sweet face. She's taking a tray of what looks like biscuits out of the oven.

"Good evening, Miss Hinata." I say giving her a small wave. 

"Oh you don't have to call me miss, it makes me feel old haha!" Shoyo's mom says with a small embarrassed-but-bright smile.

"What about aunt?" I ask and she nods in approval. "That's fine. But forget that! How are you doing? Shoyo told me about you and i've been excited to meet you!" she says innocently and enthusiastically. 

"I'm good. Thank you for having me here," I say and Shoyo's mom nods with a smile that seems to never leave her face.

"It's nothing really! It's nice having company. Anyways, you two go shower, dinner is ready!" she says and Shoyo and I nod. "Alright mom, we'll be right back!" Shoyo says and starts heading towards a hallway, with me following behind. We then enter a room and he says, "You can leave your stuff anywhere you'd like. And take a shower first too if you wanna!" I nod and leave my bag on the floor next to his desk. "I'll shower first then." I say taking my clothes from my bag and heading towards the bathroom he showed me earlier.




Shoyo and I have finished our showers and are now seated around the dining table in the dining room. Shoyo's mom is in front of me, Natsu is next to her and Shoyo is next to me.

"Itadakimasu!" we say and begin eating.

"So do you have any plans for the future, kenma?" Auntie asks me. "I've got a rough idea of what I would like to do." I say silently.

"Haha you guys are so young, you've got plenty of time to think about it. Well, not really since you're a second year but still!" she says and it makes me smile a bit. 


"What about you Shoyo??" auntie asks the human tangerine right next to me.

"I wanna keep playing volleyball!" Shoyo says and his mom gives him a very kind and warming smile. 

"I'll support you both! If you need any help with anything just come to me alright?" She says.

They're really lively. All of them. You can hardly tell who is more lively.




"Hey kenma! Do you wanna see the sky later?" Shoyo asks me out of the blue. Auntie and Natsu went to sleep a while after dinner, and now Shoyo and i are in the living room. He's lying on the couch , and i'm seated on the carpet with my legs crossed and gaming console in hand.

"Sure..." I say silently. I thought i had calmed down after we got to Shoyo's house, but in truth i haven't. I guess i'm just shy like always. Well whatever it is i want it to go away as soon as possible, i want to breathe properly dammit. 

"Alright then! Let's go at 11 pm alright?? But if you wanna sleep earlier it's fine!!" Shoyo says in a pretty high tone.

"It's ok. We'll go at 11. Oh and let's lower our voices a little so we don't wake auntie and Natsu up, alright?" I say turning around and giving him a small smile.

"Oh yeah, I almost forget haha!" he whisper shouts, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Anyways, what do you want to do in the meantime? We've just been sitting here." I ask, turning back to my game. 

"Hmm do you like any show? Or do you wanna play a game? I'm up for anything!" 

"I'm bad at choosing." I say bluntly.

"Haha! Then let's play a game, since that's what you like to do!" Shoyo exclaims with a kind smile. My heart almost skips a beat and I feel all warm and stuffy inside.  


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