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(The Picture is not mine , all right's belongs to the Artist)

Ayumi POV

My name is Ayumi Suzuki I am a Highschool girl and was born blind .. I never saw anything in my life not my Parents , a single color or my Home I living at. I am a shut in .. my classmates don't talk to me or i just can't talk about these topics.

I was on my normal way home .. like everyday i crossed the street at the same point nothing special at all. But suddenly as i was wawlking on the side walk i could hear people shouting many things.

'What is this sound ? Why are they shouting ..? Are this screeching tires?'

The next second i felt a very painful feeling.

'What ? What the fuck happened?'

"You died" a mysterious voice said calm

"Huh? You are joking right ??" i said confused.

"Nope you died .. hehe .. maybe i could be blamed for that so I'll reincarnate you in another world"

"Wait Wait Wait .. what the hell are you talking? You think you are God or what ? I can't see anything shouldn't i be able to see in heaven? Or do i have still no eyes even as Soul"

"KUHAHAH AHHAAH , you are an interesting Human to ask something like that" the voice said.

'Well i thought about it many times , could i see in heaven?' i thought.

"You've been born without eyes so your soul too has no eyes .. anyways that's not my fault. My sworn friend Fate is writing your conditions to be born hahaha"

"Huh so fate is really something you can't break?"

"Mhh indeed you need to be really strong to break your fate .. anyways we don't have time I'll reincarnate you know have fun" the voice said and i felt unconscious while cursing these Gods.

I opened my eyes again and.. it's black

"Why am i blind again!!! Are you joking me !" i shouted with the last strengh that this body had in that seconds all the memmories and feelings of the girl that died here stream in my head like i guess Movie ? I've never seen one so i can't be sure about that.

But then i felt the pain that this body endred on it's last minutes. I screamed the entire i guess night because i can't feel the sun and it's could.

After i calmed down i could feel that I am lying in my own blood , without the strengh to stand up.

'So this is an Island it gives pirates and they murdered the entire village i lived in.. Bastards' i thought while lying in the sun.

'Yep it's clearly Day now .. but what's this power i can feel in my body'

I concentrated on this strange feeling inside of my Body .. following it through my entire body.

"Urgh .. that brings nothing!" I cursed while waiting that i gain enough strengh to at least walk.

"You can't master this kind of Power just in a few Days young Woman" a voice said next to me

'How? How did he come here is he one of the pirates? No way ..' i trembled a bit "Who are you?"

"My name is Rayleigh , I am impressed that you survived that long on this Island.. do you want to become stronger?" he asked me

"Why should you help a stranger like me?" i asked

"For such a young girl you sure are mature hahaha" he laughed and i passed out again.

"Wh..where am I ?" i asked with a weak voice

"In my House , I've brought you here" Rayleigh said

I could feel that the pain was now fewer then before also i could feel bandages around my body a few on my arms and legs a stronger one on my stomach and one in my face.

"Old Gramps did you do this?" i asked him

"The bandages ? Yes ... wait how could you tell that i am old when you can't even see?" he said shocked about my remark

I began to giggle "Your voice Gramps"

"Good that you can laugh , I had concerns this would leave something in you"

"You mean something like a trauma?" i glenched my fists "I'll find them and I'll kill them" i said 'That's not my body but what they did is something i can't forgive them'

"I see" Rayleigh answered and he went in another room , as he opened the door it smells like some kind of food. 'Did he went into the kitchen? what should i do know? Maybe i should play with this strange feeling in my body..'.

And so i waited for Rayleigh and while doing this trained my Kenbunshoku Haki / .. even when i don't know about it yet.

After Rayleigh returned to my bed he has some food with him but before i could eat it i asked him "are all Pirates like this?"

He stopped for a second "Hmm .. i guess a few are like that , the most of them are trying to become the next King of Pirates , a few are only after the Money or high Bounty's and would do something like this. I am a pirate too" I sipped on the tea he gave me and spitted it out right after he said the last words.

"EHHHH? You are a Pirate to?" i shouted and he laughed

"hahahah hahha listen little one you'll meet almost only Pirates here at the Grand Line" he said and then told me the entire story anout the One Piece.

'Wait Wait Wait isn't that what my old classmates were talking about ? One Pice?? Are YOU kidding me God reincarnating me into a Anime and then even blind?!?! The next time i'll see you ... you are dead' i cursed the Gods in my thoughts for a while.

After that i ate what he had cooked "You are not bad at cooking Gramps" i said

"Thank's little one" he said

"It's Ayumi .. my name is Ayumi"

"Then Ayumi" he shortly said .. for the next few days i was lying on that bed only concentrating on this weird feeling but then i could see something.

'What is this? Is this the Old man? Why can i only see the outlines of his body with some kind of Flames..'

"Hey Gramps! Come here" i shouted and he walked out of the Kitchen and looked at me.

"I see so you mastered the basics of the Kenbunshoku or Observation Haki in only few days on your own? I am sure you will surpass even me" he said happy

"What is this Observation Haki?" i asked him curious 'Can it let me see again?'

"Observation Haki is something anyone has but the most of them don't know it or can't train it well , it gives you a 6th sense you can see the Aura of someone and more later on."

"So it won't help me see again?" i asked sad

"Not entirely but good enough to fight" he said

'Fight? Why should i fight .. ah i forgot that I am at a world full of pirates..' i sighed.

"Gramps , is it the only Haki thing? i asked him and looked at his aura .. is this happiness? 'Why do i feel something like this? Is it this Haki too?'

"It gives three haki Observation Haki , Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki , only a few Humans can awake the Conqueror's Haki and the Armament Haki is some kind of Spirtual energy that can give you defense and strenghen your attacks."

I thought about it a bit and closed my eyes .. not that it makes a differnece anyways.

"I wan't to train a 2 Sword Swordsmanship Gramps and also these 2 Haki's" i said

"Mhh.. I'll teach you how to use Haki but we need to find someone else to train you in Swordsmanship." he said

"Mhh.. Anyways you need to rest first we will begin your training after you are cured" he said and then left the House

'I'll get my revenge' i thought as my body tensed up.

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