1. Concert (after ep.29)

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She exhales slowly and closes her computer. It has been a long day and finally she finished her work for today. Thanks Allah it's friday, she thought. Esra looks around her beautiful living room. There is noone in sight. Atlas has been sleeping for 2 hours now and Ozan...well Ozan is getting himself ready upstairs for dinner with some smartass and Leya. Esra decided a while ago that she wouldn't hurt herself even more and  would just distance from him as much as it is possible. They are married just for Atlas, nothing less nothing more. Well it was simple to say so, but staying that way was exhausting for her. Of course she was jealous, but Ozan would never know about it. She got up and walked in her PJs to her bedroom, where she placed her headphones on and laid on a bed. Listening the music always calm her down.

In bathroom Ozan pretended to get ready for a meeting. To be honest he pretended it's taking more than it really was, because he wanted to piss Esra. What makes him worried and mad is her lack of interest in what and with whom he does. He tried to push her buttons even harder just to get response but there was nothing. So instead Esra, he was pissed of. He stood in bathroom and watched his own reflection in a mirror. Stop this stupid games and get over her, idiot, he told guy in a mirror. Honestly he didnt have to go to this meeting, Leya would take care of the issue alone and He even didnt want to go but he thought this is the best opportunity to get on Esra nerves and saw her being jealous. When he heard her comming upstairs he decided to leave the room. The game is on he smiled. He looked around to find her in her bedroom so he stayed in door. She looked calm while  lying with her headphones on and staring at ceiling. Ozan allowed himself to enjoy the view for a moment. This sight remained him of their first marriage when she had done the same after long, exhausting day at work. She always thought he didnt notice but he always did. It's unbeliveable how good we know each other, he muttered. Esra wasnt hearing or seeing him so he seized the opportunity to feast his eyes on her. Nothing changed, still beautiful, still one of a kind, her eyes still sparkling with the same glow. No one will ever be able to replace her, he has proved this to himself in the last 5 years. No one was able to make him feel like she did and saddly no one was able to hurt him as she did. Part of Ozan wanted to forgive her, but his pride wouldn't let him. His reverie was interrupted by a phone call. Esra looked at screen to see Zeyno's name. She answered without changing position.
„Zeyno?" She was really surprised by this call.
„Girlfeiend, I have tickets for Duman! Leave everything and come with me and Musa!" 
„No way!" Esra got so excited and that made him curious what they are talking about. Ozan hasnt seen her that animated for so long. But stirring didnt last long, she suddenly sadded.
„I cant go out and leave Atlas alone" she respond with sigh.
Ozan isnt at home?" Esras friend was surprised.
„No,Ozan isnt at home, he has meeting"
„And You are home alone in bad mood. Dont you think you should be there as his wife and partner in company?" Excelent point, but Ozan hadn't asked her to go there so she didnt insist. She inhaled, ready to have the same conversation for a milionth time.
No Zeyno, I shouldnt be there"
„Why are you letting him do what he wants?!"
„Because I dont care with who he is right now. How many times do i have to say that i don't have feelings for him, this chapter is closed. We are married just for Atlas." She told herself that so often she was almost starting to believe it. Almost. On the other hand Ozan felt like he heard enough. Actually he needed this to boil his anger again. Thanks to Esra he was back on his tracks. He knew deep down that she just has said things he was scared of the most. Somehow he couldnt leave, so Ozan continued to eavesdrop. Last time he had done it he married psychotic liar and has been staying with her for 5 years. At least there was No risk of it this time. It looked like Zeyno was giving Esra long speech.
You are married. You are his wife and he is your husband! You love each other, you are both stubborn like donkey and proud, but at the end you are soulmates so stop this madness and tell him about your feelings instead of staying at home and listening to sad music" Zeyno started to talk really fast and loud.
„You know what, i dont feel like having this conversation again. I cant come to this concert. You cant imagine how i feel right now"  she tried to skip the topic of her marriage.
So there is a concert, Ozan thought.
Actually I can, do you remember how we used to listen to them whole night?! I cant imagine being there without you....Are you sure you can't call Eko? He and Elif are quarreling with each other so he is free this evening for sure"  Zeyno asked with such hope that Esra couldn't refuse her.
Tammam, I will call Eko, may he or my mom can come. But Im not gonna call this gank Zumrut, thats for sure"

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