7. Letter (after ep.35)

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"That is why, in the opinion of the court, Mr. Korfali and Mrs. Korfali, for the sake of their son, should go to marital therapy, after which a decision as to whether the marriage should be continued or terminated is made." The court decided after a 2hours long hearing. Ozan smiled, slightly tilting his head so that no one could see that he was very pleased with this turn of events. Across the room, Esra did exactly the same. They were both happy with this turn of events. Neither of them had to take the first step, the court decided to do everything for them. However, they left the room with grave mines, which in no way matched their inner excitement. Standing in the middle of the corridor, Esra tried to seem focused on what her lawyer was saying. But all the time she eavesdropped on what Leya was trying to explain to Ozan. Why is she interfering at all? She asked in her head angry that this woman had witnessed their divorce.

Ozan, on the other hand, listened to his lawyer with an unreadable face. He tried so hard not to smile, but his delicious humor showed in his sparkling eyes.
"Ozan, you just have to get through the therapy now. It will not be difficult, since you got married only for the child and there is nothing between you. I promise that I will try to arrange everything as soon as possible, maybe even in 2 weeks we will finalize this divorce", she said confidently all the time watching the client. Lost in his thoughts, he only nodded, which did not escape Esra's notice. As they passed each other, Esra and Ozan looked at each other with such a warm gaze, one of those that always stopped time for both of them. However, they both turned their heads at the same time.
" So Esra Hanim, you'll have to put up with me for a while."  he said with a cheeky smirk. He was no longer going to pretend the judgment was out of his hand. Esra threw her hair over her shoulder and gave him a confident look. She wanted to play this game too moreover Leya was watching so she decided to be mischievous.
" So will you. I'm afraid you will have to wait a little longer before you can indulge in your favorite pastimes." she said and she measured the attorney from top to bottom leaving no doubt as to what she meant. Ozan smiled and leaned toward her to whisper.

"I never had to wait, dear wife," and he walked to the exit with a confident pace that made her feel hot. She fanned her face with her hand, looking after him with a smile. This chapter of their story will surely be interesting.

"Boss, don't keep me guessing! What did the court say ?!" Musa almost screamed as he chased his favorite boss through the main hall. Ozan's good humor made Musa full of optimistic thoughts. They didn't, they got smart after all, he thought all the time as he ran after his friend. He finally caught up with him in the conference room."Speak man!" he gasped, barely gasping for breath. Ozan leaned back in his chair and rested his face on his hands. Musa's loud breathing finally caught his attention. Surprised by Musa's presence, he looked at him as if he were an alien." What?" he asked, his face twisted."Did ... you ..... get .... divorced. I'm about to have a heart attack, I swear," he barely said, and collapsed into his chair tiredly."No, Musa. The judge ordered therapy." he announced and opened his laptop. In desperation Musa only sank lower in his chair. He never deluded that divorcing Esra would make Ozan forget about her overnight and stop crying on his shoulder, but the therapy meant a million calls called "What Esra is". He had a new wife for God's sake. Musa was angry with himself for getting excited so quickly. Ozan, in turn, looked just like before. He seemed to be in a great mood, despite the fact that he had just returned from a divorce case. He was just reading a report carefully, not noticing the questioning gaze of his friend."Well? How do you feel about that?" he finally asked." Quite well." he replied without looking up. Musa sighed." Quite well?" he repeated like an echo. Ozan, irritated by the inquisitiveness of the employee, looked at him with a sigh."Musa, Esra and I are still married. We're going to go to therapy, she and Atlas have to go back to our house. We know Esra. She's impulsive and emotional, but she'll eventually break. Neither she nor I want this divorce. This situation will remind her of this. Plus, every day we are married there is a chance that this dog, Efe, will show his true face."  Musa, in turn, was impressed by this cool calculation. Until a few days ago, he'd been listening all day Ozan screaming that he wanted this divorce even more than Esra did. Of course, both men knew that this was a lie sewn with thick thread. 
"You figured it all up nicely, but tell me what if it doesn't work like you thought it would be?" Musa asked consciously. Ozan rolled his eyes."Sus, Musa. SUS" 

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