6. Yeter 2/2

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Istanbul was drowning in pouring rain. The overall gray and gloom perfectly reflected Esra's mood. After a hard day, she came to visit her parents with her son. Atlas spent the night with his grandparents, because the renovation of their new apartment was starting in the morning. She stayed longer than planned, because she felt a huge emptiness and at all costs did not want to be left alone. In addition, there was a fear that Efe would like to pay her a visit, and after a whole day in his company, she felt tired of him. His friendly demeanor, which she had always liked, affected the narwas today. He was even intrusive at times. Her and Ozan's divorce cases attracted his particular attention, which was starting to annoy her. Her hints that he should leave these matters alone did not help, he was interested in them all the time. Plus, after Zeyno's morning call, yeah, she was silent. Esra tried to contact her, but to no avail. So she stayed in her parents' cafe and decided to lock it up like in the good old days. Her parents, seeing their daughter's condition, wanted to cheer her up, but seeing that their attempts were unsuccessful, they took Atlas and went upstairs. The events of the day left their mark on her, she felt as if she was carrying a heavy burden on her back. Without energy, she sat down alone at one of the tables. She wondered what Ozan was doing now. Deep inside, she was afraid that, in order to relieve the tense situation between them, he was playing in one of the clubs with some girl. She shook her head to chase vision of Ozan with from someone else away. A knock on the glass door of the cafe, behind which Musa, Zeyno and Elif stood, broke her mind of pain. Surprised, she let her friends inside. Their arrival caused great chaos. Everyone wanted to talk at the same time.
"Enough! Already! I don't understand when you all shout at once. Slowly and not all at once. Sit down and let one of you say what's going on." Esra ordered. Musa, all red, sat down heavily in the chair. Zeyno decided to speak on behalf of the delegation.

"Girl, there's no time to sit down! We've been looking for you everywhere for a good hour! Where's your phone ?!"

" My battery is dead. What's wrong with Ozan? Speak for God's sake! "She said, terrified. Zeyno had already opened her mouth to speak when Zumrut appeared out of nowhere in the cafe. The woman had a talent for appearing where something was happening. Without asking anyone's permission, she burst into the room like a storm.
" What are these meetings at this time? You're definitely up to something here! And certainly you, snake. "She screamed, pointed her finger at Esra and narrowed her eyes.

"Anne ya! You should be ashamed! We're not up to anything! We want to undo everything!" Elif groaned.

"How's that?" Zumrut looked around at the gathered people suspiciously.

"I would like to know too, Zumrut Annem" Esra raised her hands in a defensive gesture. Zeyno, who was fed up with all the confusion and the fact that things were still standing still, screamed.

"That's enough! Musa show her what we got!" The man who caught his breath restored his laptop and played the video. Everyone present leaned towards the screen to better see what was on it. The screen showed a scene that Esra knew very well from yesterday evening. She wanted to look away so as not to relive it again, but Elif ordered her to look at it. However, what was happening on the screen was only half in line with what Esra saw. The Efe on the recording likely provoked Ozan. As the movie ended, Musa shot Esra a look.

"What is this? I don't understand." The shocked girl stammered out. Musa rushed to explain.

"This rat deliberately provoked everything to frame the boss. Abi is not guilty. He must have hit him after Efe said he wanted you and you would be together after the divorce. If I were the boss, I would have done the same. He really tried, Yenge." Four pairs of eyes stared at Esra, who could not find words.

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