13. The way it shoud be (after ep. 37)

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The headlamps blinded Esra, who was paralyzed in the middle of the street. This is my end, she thought. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears. And that's it? She won't have a chance for her and Ozan to rebuild what they destroyed? Will her son be brought up without his mother? Tears welled up in her eyes, but she still couldn't move her legs to escape the impending death. She closed her eyes, ready for unimaginable pain, but it didn't come. She opened one eye carefully and saw a car centimeters away from her. The world swirled before her eyes and she fell. She saw everything through a fog, in the distance she heard the raised voice of the driver, who, terrified, threw himself to help her. Her hands trembled as they touched the rough asphalt.

"Madam! Nothing happened to you?" screamed the terrified man trying to pick her up. Onlookers who had not been there before appeared from nowhere. Dazed, she looked slowly around. She was alive. It is a real miracle. More and more details began to flow to her. The lightness in the first frame was slowly giving way, and the image of the world ceased to be blurred.
" I swear, I didn't hit her!" the driver tried to convince the crowd. Someone helped her up. The ambulance that had been called was approaching flashing blue and red. She brushed her hair back from her face and saw blood on her hands. "It's all right, just a rub," she muttered weakly to the terrified onlookers. Paramedic helped her into the ambulance.
"Well, madam, please tell me how many fingers do you see?" he asked, waving his hand in front of her eyes.
"It's okay, I didn't get hit, I just fell," she said softly. Her hand was bandaged, but despite insistence, no paramedics prevented her from exiting the vehicle. She was starting to get more and more annoyed.
" Madam, you don't have any injuries, but you have strong panic reaction, I I recommend traveling to the hospital with us, where they will give you medications to calm you down." The paramedic noted. She sighed deeply. Something could do with her troubled nerves.
"The police are trying to contact your husband, he will go to the hospital and you will go with us." The man added, thinking that this argument would eventually convince her. She shook her head in panic.
"No, no. No hospital, no calling Ozan!" she said hurriedly and stood up. Leaving the ambulance, she immediately headed towards the policeman. She felt a little dizzy, but she wasn't going to stop. Enough of this nonsense, she thought.
" Excuse me, Mr. Officer. Let's make this case clear, I'm fully guilty of what happened. This poor man save my life while stopping this car just in time. I'm the guilty one and nothing happened, look, I'm fine" she said to policeman who was reporting the driver. She persuaded the officer for a long time until he finally gave up. Controlling the trembling of her hands, she got into her car and slowly started walking. To Home, to Ozan, to her safe place.

Ozan looked at his watch, sighing. Esra should have been a long time ago. The candles on the table were slowly burning out. He didn't even think that tonight might go wrong. While looking at all the "great evenings" they've had in the past, none of them ended well. Worried, he got up to pick up the phone from the bedroom and call Esra, starting to worry something had happened to her. He had an irrational feeling that something dangerous had happened this time too. The last time he felt like this was when he was looking for her everywhere just to find her unconscious in their dream home. As he passed, he heard the door open. He breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. At the same time, he began to get terribly nervous, he could not find a place for himself. Sweaty with nerves, my hands struggled to hold the ring box. Come on Ozan ... now or never, he thought. He felt again like when, in love with Esra, he passed the cafe every day and, upset, tried to do more than a simple greeting. This time he will do it. This time they wouldn't let her arrange it. He decided to wait for her at the table. The seconds were like hours. Yet another moment, in a moment ... finally the woman appeared in the living room. Esra was called in by the prevailing twilight.
"Ozan?" she exclaimed tiredly. She looked around and noticed all the decorations, flowers and table lit by the flashing light of candles and lamps. She smiled broadly. She stood looking at her husband, who had an unreadable expression on his face.
"We are celebrating taking company back?" she asked shyly. She was just acting so ignorant, she was glad in her heart that Ozan had guessed what her suggestions were about. Finally he found the strength to get up. With a shy smile, he walked over to her and shook his head.
"I think we worried about company enough recently" he took her hand and felt the material of the bandage. He raised his injured hand looking questioningly.
"Ah, that's ... I fell," she explained, shrugging nonchelantly. Ozan didn't have to know about everything.
"I see. There was no one to catch you ..." he replied and took her other hand. She nodded her head negatively. They stood staring at each other as usual, no one could look away. At times like this, the world did not exist to them. However, this time they were not interrupted by a phone call from Musa or Zeyno. This time it was Esra who felt so embarrassed by the intensity of the experience that she decided to change the subject.
"Atlas insisted to sleep at his grandmother's today," she said out of the blue. She freed her hands and set her purse on the couch. Ozan smiled slyly.
"I know ... I suggested it to him," he replied proud of himself. Esra raised an eyebrow.
"You did?" she asked flirtatiously.
He took her tiny hand in his and pulled her towards the table.
"I thought we could talk today," he said as he sat down, and so Esra did. She smiled beautifully and looked down. The excitement grew minute by minute. Everything will be fine at last.Ozan sighed like a teenager on a first date. He reached across the table for her hand. He couldn't bear even a minute without touching her.
Like you know, finally we have some calm days, and since we got rid off Efe and all company related troubles, Maybe we can talk about us without interuptions..." He started hesitantly. Esra squeezed his hand. She also felt the need to end this series of endless catastrophes.
Yes, I think is time to focus on us, our marriage, therapy, but first let me shut down my phone in case someone have an urgent need to interrupt us again." As she said so she did. Ozan laughed sincerely. Yes, this time no one can interrupt them. There was an awkward silence. Ozan didn't know how to start, how to say what he had felt for a long time. Her sparkling eyes, so beautiful in the candlelight, didn't help him do anything. On the other hand, Esra did not want to be the first, she felt that this time Ozan had to lead it all as he dreamed, otherwise he would be inconsolable forever.
I'm so lucky because I have you, you know? There is noone other than you in my life." He said honestly. Small tear dopped from her eyes, finally everything started to be good!
„ You are my everything...my home, my life, my strenght, my miracle... you are just my everything and there is no life for me if I won't have you near my side"  Ozan continued, his voice trembling. More and more tears were streaming from her eyes, even if she wanted to interrupt him now, she wouldn't know what to say. No one could love as beautifully as Ozan. Overcoming his fear, he got up and knelt in front of her. now or never.
„I know it's just a symbol. You deserve the best and I would like to give it to you. I promised you once that I would propose to you as you deserve ... now is the time. Esra Erten ..." he opened the box and he grabbed both of her hands. they both cried, they both couldn't control each other.
Esra, you are the woman of my life. My first and last thought at day. Will you wake up everyday by my side? Will you be my strenght and consolation? Will you be my everything? Will you marry me?"  they both held their breath. He was so afraid that something would happen again that would destroy their chances of shared, long-awaited happiness. He watched her like never before. he tried to read anything on her face. Esra, on the other hand, was unable to utter a word, she had waited so long for it. everything was so very perfect. in her wildest dreams she could not have imagined a better proposal. She looked him straight in the eye, and at that moment Ozan knew the answer. Esra couldn't speak, just nodded her head in affirmation and grinned broadly. "Esra, you have to say it out loud, I need to hear it, please, I've been waiting for it almost all my life," Ozan whispered bringing his face close to hers.
„ Of course I will, how could you think I would refuse! I love you, Ozan."  she said smiling as only a loved one can smile. he pulled her close to him and kissed her hard. there was in all this some indescribable longing, but also happiness. For the first time in over 5 years they had each other and knew they could count on each other. Esra sampled like home, Ozan to Esra like freedom. They were both what each od them needed. their kiss grew wild, ravenous, thirsty and impatient. Ozan broke away from her first, to which Esra reacted with a groan.
What this time .... we have been disturbed so many times that we can forget each other once," she commented exhilarated. Ozan smiled looking at her deeply into eyes, these beautiful sparkling eyes watching him with admiration.
„Just small thing left... Do you finish your school?" he asked with laugh. She didn't get what he is talking about. She nodded surprised.
„And do you have a work?" he asked again. She nodded as well.
Let's get married o zaman" he finished and they both started to laugh. He brought his mouth to hers and before kissing her, he whispered: "I love you" to which she replied the same, then they both plunged into a long and passionate kiss that led them first to the couch and then to the bedroom.

Hey Yall!
I have to be honest I was sooo pissed offf about episode's ending! Like, can we get just one happy ending? Now I see that this whole plot could be good as well. Let me know how you liked this chapter. Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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