Chapter 129

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After getting Anne's and Gemma's gift and some how distracted Harry long enough to get him his present, I'm beyond done with the very crowded mall. Harry is done shopping as well so we left and we are in the car on our way to one of his mysterious places he wants to take me.

"Please tell me where we are going." I beg.

"Nope it has to be a surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"You do not I know you secretly lying." Harry says.

"Mm maybe." Harry is right I do sort of kind of like surprises. But only is Harry has made the surprise, he does this thing were he knows exactly what I will like even if I don't know it until he does it.

We pull up into a parking lot of an elementary school. "Babe is this you're old school?" I ask.

"Yeah it is." Harry says blushing.

"That's so cute. Are you going to show me the grand tour?"

"If you would like me too."

"I would love too." He says and as he gets out and walks to open my door for me.

I look around the small private school and it's absolutely adorable. Images of a small Harry in his school uniform bounce around my head and I can't hide the smile that appears on my face from such thoughts. "This was my first grade classroom." He says as I look through the window.

"I bet you were the cutest kid." I smile up at him. This gorgeous bit in front of me brought me to his old elementary school. He can be so sweet and thoughtful, I love him so much and he is all mine.

"So were you the cookies kid at the school?" I asked amused.

"Yeah everyone wanted to be my friend I had a Scooby doo lunch box and juice pouches."

"Not Scooby doo, you were a stud." I say and he both laugh.

"I'm really glad you came here with me." Harry dad as he wraps his ants around my waist.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I say and mean it.

I snuggle into his neck, the comfort I feel by being his arms is impeccable.
I love Harry so much that it physically hurts me to see him upset and I know by keeping this secret from him it's going to hurt him.

"Harry." I mumble into his shoulder.


"I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead tell me." He says.

He lets go of my waist so he can look at me which just makes me more nervous to tell him. "Umm..... Well right before we left New York I had a dance audition for Juilliard." I explain.


"And well I got accepted into the school. And I won't be finishing out at Chesterwood." I say.

"Wait what?" He asks.

"I'm not staying here I am moving to New York." I say.

"And when were you thinking you would tell me this?" He asks.

He is mad very mad. I thought he would be a little pissed but he is angry.

"I wanted to wait till it was for sure that I got in. Are you mad?"

"Not shit I'm mad. I am trying so hard to keep my mouth shut and not say anything I will regret so let's go home." Harry says and I nod. This is going to be a long ride back to his house.

(I have a new story up and it's called Heart Out, you guys should read it. But warning it's a lot more mature then anything I have ever written. There will be Smut so giving you all a warning.)

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