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      Aaliyah spent all of Saturday working. She couldn't even get a second to breathe honestly. She spent the morning trying to get Skai up for the shoot that they were definitely going to be late to. Aaliyah was already up and dressed but Skai partied too hard. She finally got Skai up and they headed to the shoot.

It was a busy afternoon for Aaliyah. The shoot took longer than expected due to Skai, so Aaliyah barely made it to her flight. Aaliyah slept for most of the hour flight, she wanted to get some rest in before the rest of her busy day. The flight finally landed and Jordyn Woods had a driver pick Aaliyah up from the airport. She got into the black SUV as the driver put her bag in the car. They headed to their destination.

Aaliyah spent the rest of her Saturday helping Jordyn get ready for an event she was hosting at a club in LA. Jordyn invited Aaliyah but she declined, she was just so tired. After her job with Jordyn was done, Aaliyah went to her hotel to do some school work and find the perfect outfit for tomorrow. She took a shower and went to bed. She was nervous, she knew she needed rest.

The next morning Aaliyah woke up to a text from Urban.

U: Yo Liyah, what kinda coffee you want?

A: can i get a chai latte?

U: Yeah, I got you.

Aaliyah got dressed for the day a head of her. She decided to walk to the shoot because it was near her hotel. She texted Urban to let her know that she was there and he told her which room to go to. Aaliyah loved photo shoots, she loved shoots with color, and patterns, they were challenging style wise but she enjoyed the challenge. Once she got to the room she opened the door to see Urban smoking already. "AALIYAH!!!", he exclaimed. Aaliyah ran to her friend and hugged him tightly. Urban smiled and handed her her coffee and two started catching up on all the things that have happened the past year. About 30 minutes had passed before Aaliyah realized that Jack wasn't there yet.

"Where's Jack?", she asked Urban. And right then Jack walked through one of the door's in the giant room. Her heart immediately began to race. Skai was right, that man is fine 😭. Her and Urban stood up and Urban began to talk. "Jack, this is Aaliyah, I don't know if you remember her from a long time ago", he said. "I remember. I seen you at Ari's party last night too, right?", Jack said to Liyah grabbing her hand. "Oh yeah.. you did", she said.

Aaliyah asked to see the pieces that the first stylist sent. They weren't horrible but she understands where Jack's frustrations came from. She loved challenges like this. She scouted the area of the shoot for key colors then went back to the clothes and pieced everything together. She had her airpods in to focus, she worked better that way. She called Urban and Jack over when she was done and had them approve of the outfits. They loved them.

Once Jack finished putting on the first outfit Aaliyah walked over to help with any adjustments or alterations. She squatted down to adjust the pants around his ankles, she looked up to see him looking down at her. She stood up quickly. She started adjusting the jacket and the collar on the dress shirt he was wearing. "Why didn't you say anything to me at the party last night", he asked. The question caught her off guard. Was she supposed to say something? "Me and Skai were leaving", she replied. "I know, but you still could've said something", he said back. Aaliyah nodded her head, "Well you didn't say anything to me", she said to Jack. "Touché", he said.

Aaliyah could feel Jack's eyes on her during the entire shoot it's like all he seen was her. The shoot was nearly done and Aaliyah was so tired. All she wanted was to go back to her hotel and sleep. It was mid afternoon already and she hadn't even noticed that she'd been there for hours. She was cleaning up the clothes and props that were used when she felt a hand around her waist. She turned around quickly. It was Jack.

"Hey big head. What are you doing tonight", he asked softly. What a random question to ask. "Umm.. I don't... Umm.. I'm not doing anything", she replied tripping over her words. "Let me take you to dinner", he said. She was hesitant, why would he wanna take her to dinner? "Umm, okay", Aaliyah finally said. "Bet, I'll pick you up at 8. Urb already told me what hotel you're staying at", Jack replied. He let go of her waist and looked her up and down. "You're beautiful", he said to her. Aaliyah's eyes got big and she stopped breathing. She replied with thank you and finished cleaning.

It was abt 4pm when Aaliyah got back to the hotel so decided she had enough time to nap before her date with Jack. She didn't know what to expect from the night she was about to have, but she was excited. She fell asleep only thinking about one thing: Jack Harlow.

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