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      Aaliyah woke up the next morning feeling happier than ever. Jack made her feel so safe and comfortable. She had never felt so secure in her life.
Jack wasn't in bed, but Aaliyah could hear the shower running. She laid bed a little longer and then ordered room service for them. She ordered waffles, sausage, eggs, blueberry muffins, and coffee.

Aaliyah heard the shower stop, and shortly after Jack walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Aaliyah could see water dripping down his defined bicep. She was observing his entire body. Mans is literally so fucking fine. He stood by the bathroom door and smiled as Aaliyah stared at him. "Good morning", Jack said happily. That made Aaliyah finally snap out whatever trance she was in. "Oh hey, good morning. I ordered us some food", Aaliyah said blushing. Jack walked over to the bed and leaned his slender body over Aaliyah. He gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and looked her in her eyes. "Thank you", he said sweetly. He made Aaliyah's heart flutter. He's so perfect. She sat staring at him a little longer. "Im gonna go shower now", she said then made her way to the bathroom.

When she got out of the shower she noticed Jack fully dressed in different clothes from last night and the room service that she ordered. Jack set the food nicely on the bed with a dozen roses sitting next to it. "I had one of my homies bring me some clothes, and the flowers", Jack said goofily. Aaliyah smiled and sat on the bed next to Jack. "So what are our plans today", Aaliyah asked. "Let's just stay in until your flight. I cancelled all my plans today. I have a sound check later but that's after your flight leaves. So we got all the time in the world to be together", Jack said.

The two ate breakfast on the bed and watched Criminal Minds on Aaliyah's laptop. "We should have a show. Like a show that we only watch when we're together", Jack suggested. "Okay, what kinda show", Aaliyah asked. "Shit I don't know. I thought you'd have a show suggestions", Jack joked. "I mean we can always look for one together", Aaliyah said. "Touché. Let's do it", replied Jack. The two finished eating their breakfast, cleaned up a bit and snuggled back into bed. Aaliyah started looking for movies on Netflix. "Okay how about Grey's Anatomy", Aaliyah said. "No. Automatically no", Jack replied. "Okay, how about Stranger Things or On My Block", said Aaliyah. "I've already watch Stranger Things hella. Me and Urban watch it when we have a break you know. But let's watch On My Block, it seems funny", Jack replied.

Aaliyah turned the show on and the two watched for hours. "Is it just me or is Olivia annoying as fuck", Aaliyah said. "Yeah lowkey I didn't wanna say anything first but she's annoying. I fuck with Jamal though, I actually met the dude that plays him at a party a couple weeks ago", replied Jack. "Oh Brett? Yeah he's dope and funny as fuck, i've been around him a few times with Skai. They have some mutual friends" Aaliyah said, she could see that started to become uneasy. "What's wrong with you", Aaliyah asked. "I don't know it just felt weird hearing you talk about another dude and I know that you didn't mean it like that but i don't know it's weird", Jack explained. That got Aaliyah confused. Was Jack already about to start being controlling? "Well, I hope you know I don't like him. We're in a group chat together that's it. I follow him on IG but he doesn't follow me. Me and him just have some mutual friends", Aaliyah said. "I mean, I understand that. It's just... I don't know. I can be possessive and I know that and i'm kinda working on it", Jack replied. "I don't like possessive. We're both busy and we're always gonna be around other people, especially when we're not together so that has to stop now", Aaliyah said sternly. Jack had never been put in his place before, he liked it. He gave Aaliyah a kiss on the forehead and the two continued to watch their show.

      Hours passed and it was time for Aaliyah to go to the airport. "Nooooo please don't go. Stay here with me", Jack groaned. "I have school, and you're on tour now", Aaliyah giggled as she was packing the rest of her black suit case. "I mean yeah that's true but I can miss a couple shows and you can miss a couple days of school. And we can just stay here together", said Jack hugging Aaliyah from the back and kissing her cheek and neck. "Hmmm you got me thinking", Aaliyah said. "Oh, I do? Let's do it then", Jack replied excitedly. Aaliyah thought about it for a moment. "Not this time, next time, okay? Let's plan it. I have too many classes to miss right now and you're fans love you, they don't want you to cancel", Aaliyah said convincingly. "Ugh, I just wanna be with you right now though. I know what's important, but you trump all that for me, Aaliyah. Im gonna listen to you tho, we'll just have to plan next time I guess", Jack said. "I go on fall break in 3 weeks it's only like 4 days but that's for me and you, okay?", Aaliyah said. Jack kissed Aaliyah on the neck once more. "Okay, and I'll be done with the first leg of the tour so I'll have time off", he said cheekily.

Jack helped Aaliyah pack the rest of her stuff and the two rode to the airport. Jack didn't let go of Aaliyah's hand the entire ride, he kissed her and told her how beautiful she is as much as he could. Aaliyah loved that kind of attention. She's never had anybody act that way towards her before. "Yo Monte, did you get that thing", Jack asked the driver. The driver reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a plane ticket and handed it to Jack. "This is for you", Jack said to Aaliyah, "I upgraded you to first class". "Jack you really didn't have to do this seriously", said Aaliyah. "I know I didn't have to but I wanted to. I wanna do things for you, Aaliyah", he replied. "Thank you. I really really really appreciate it", and I've never been on first class before so it would be an experience", Aaliyah said hugging Jack. They each other a few last hugs and kisses then Aaliyah got out the car. The driver helped Aaliyah with we bags then she headed in the airport.

       Aaliyah hurried to her flight and handed the flight attendant her ticket. "Ohhh first class, very nice. Right this way", the flight attendant said pulling back a navy blue velvet curtain. Aaliyah found her seat and put her back pack on the ground. "There's a lot of space", she said to herself. A flight attendant came over to make sure Aaliyah was set and taught Aaliyah how to recline her seat. Aaliyah ended up falling asleep for the entirety of her flight.

   She checked her phone when she got off her flight to text her mom and seen that she had two mixed texts from Jack:

J: you're perfect in every way Aaliyah

   Aaliyah couldn't stop blushing. Jack was just doing everything right.

A: i can't wait to see you again 🥺❤️

   She then got a facetime call from her mom telling her that she was outside. Aaliyah got to the car and put her bags in, when she sat in the front seat her mom smiled suspiciously at her. "Hey baby girl, you're glowing! I assume you had a good weekend ", she said cheekily. "What do you mean glowing. I think I look the same", said Aaliyah. "Yeah you look the same but something's different. You just seem glowy", her mom said. "Hmm maybe I just needed some time in the sun", Aaliyah replied. Her mom giggled, "Okay Aaliyah, you'll come out with it sooner or later. I know you", she said.

      When Aaliyah got back to her apartment she showered, watered her plants, and then ordered Chinese food. She did her homework for the day as she ate and then went to lay in bed. She checked her phone one last time to see if she'd received a text from Jack but hadn't yet. It had been hours since she texted him last and still no reply. She checked their messages one last time to see if maybe she missed his text. Aaliyah became EXTREMELY annoyed because she seen that Jack read her text an hour ago and didn't reply. She assured herself that he's busy and he'll text her back as soon as possible. He wouldn't just ignore her, right?

     She turned on the Boondocks and started thinking about Jack. She felt so connected to him. She began thinking that maybe they're soulmates. Laying in her bed alone made her realize how much she enjoyed laying with him. She fell asleep imagining Jack was laying there with her.


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