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Legolas.” I groaned. “Get off of me.” “No.” he said. “Why?” I asked. “Ada told me to wake you up.” he said. “Well I can’t get up until you get off.” I said. “Plus, you’re probably scaring Eristil” I said, attempting to point to the elf maid gathering my dirty laundry. “She’ll be fine.” he said. “Why isn’t my bed this comfortable?” he asked, rolling off of me and onto my mattress. “‘Cause Ada loves me more.” I mumbled. Eristil giggled in the corner, making me smile. Legolas gasped, pretending to be hurt. “I am wounded.” he said, placing a hand over his heart. I laughed and pushed him off my bed. “Stupid.”

        “What did you call me?” he asked. “Nothing.” I yawned. I began to stretch and make inhuman noises. “Last time I checked, my sister was an Elf. Not a dragon.” he said from the ground. “I hate you.” I laughed. “No, you love me.” he said. “You just won’t admit it.” “You’re right, I won’t.” I said and got up. “Thank you, Eristil.” I said to the Elleth as she left my room. “Of course, Lerthenil.” she said and left. “Wear something flexible and comfortable. We are training with Ada today.” he said. “I don’t want to.” I whined. “Neither do I.” he said. “I’d rather go hunting.”

“I’d rather sleep.” I stated.

        “No surprise there, Lazy.” he said, earning a shoe to the head. “Ow, okay, sorry.” he said. I chose a pair of brown pants and a green top and quickly changed in the bathroom. I attempted to braid my hair away from my face, but every attempt failed. I just can’t raid my hair.

        “Legolas!” I called. He hummed a response. “Can you braid my hair?” I asked. “Why can’t you do it yourself?” he asked. I rolled my eyes. Typical brother. “It’s not working! Plus you do it every morning. You should be used to it by now.” I yelled. “Come here.”  he said. “Sit down.” he said, pointing in front of him. I sat criss-cross-applesauce with my back towards him and he braided mine similar to his, but without the side braids.

        “Done.” he said, running his fingers through my silver blonde hair one more time. If you stood my father, Legolas and I next to each other, let’s just say you can see the resemblance VERY well. “Let’s go.” I said standing up and leaving my chambers along with Legolas. We got many ‘Good Mornings’ and smiles from the servants. “It amazes me at how many servants you know.” Legolas told me. “Well, they have very important jobs here. If it weren’t for them, this palace would be a mess, we wouldn’t have good food–” “No kidding.” Legolas said. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. “Ada does not know how to cook.” he said. I nodded quickly, agreeing. “My point is, they are just as important as we are and should be treated that way.” I said. We didn’t talk the rest of the way to the training grounds.

        When we arrived, four members of the guard were already there. I recognized Sîron, whom I’ve grown a slight crush on, and a female that I have seen once or twice. Floriel, I think her name is. Legolas and I stood in front of our father and bowed. “Why are you late?” he asked us. “Lerthenil wouldn’t get up.” Legolas said. I playfully pushed him to the side, earning a glare from my father, and got in line with the others. I had to stand next to Sîron and my cheeks became pink because of it. Legolas seemed to notice and he poked my side in a teasing manner. “Stop.” I whispered to him. “Lerthenil. pay attention.” Ada said. “Wha- bu- Legolas was-” He have mean look and I sighed, shutting up. Sîron chuckled beside me and I elbowed him in the stomach when Ada’s back was turned. He grunted, but didn’t cause attention to himself.

        “Today, you are training in swordsmanship.” Father said. “You will be fighting with one another. The pairings will be, Sîron and Lerthenil, Legolas and Demon, then Floriel and Rínor.” he said. Legolas poked me in the side again, teasing me. I slapped his hand away and followed Sîron to a part of the open field. “Your hair looks lovely.” he said, complimenting me. I blushed and said, “Thank you. Legolas did it.” “You two are very close, aren’t you?” he asked. “Well, when you’re stuck in a palace with him your whole life and your father made you play with him as a child, you start to bond.” I smiled.

        The swords we were using were dull and could not cut, making it easier to stab each other lightly with them. We crossed swords gracefully before I was finally able to jump down and kick his feet from out under him. When he fell, he grabbed on to my arm in an attempt to stay on his feet, but failed and brought me down on top of him. We were both laughing hysterically, after the scene.

        When we calmed down, he decided to make a cocky comment and said, “I like this position, don’t you?” I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. Someone cleared their throat from beside us. Sîron and I both looked to see my father standing there looking unamused.

        We both quickly scrambled to our feet and stood up straight. “Lerthenil, go find Legolas.” Ada ordered, not even looking at me. He was too busy glaring at Sîron. “Bu–” I tried to protest, not wanting to leave Sîron alone, but I was interrupted by my father. “Ego! Gwao hi!” He spoke in Elvish. I did as I was told and just left Sîron there with my father.

        Once I found Legolas, he was talking with the other soldiers, Floriel, Rínor, and Demon. “Lerthenil!” Legolas greeted. I glared at him, not in the mood to talk. “What’s wrong? Mad that Ada is lecturing your little boyfriend.” he teased. “Legolas Greenleaf. Say another word and you will have to sleep with your eyes open tonight. Keep in mind that my room is two doors down from your’s and I still have some of that pink chalk left.” I threatened. “Jeez, Lerth. Calm down.” I smiled at the new nickname. “What did you call me?” I asked. “Lerth?” he said in a questioning tone. “Awe! Leggy! After all these years, you finally came up with a nickname!” I shouted and gave him a side hug. “Awe,” Floriel said. “Look at that brother-sister moment,” she continued. Both me and Legolas glared at them. “They’re synchronized.” Demon whispered loudly. We all laughed and continued to talk.