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Shhhhh.” I whispered to Floriel who could not stop running her mouth. I had become good friends with her ever since the one training day we had together. We were going out hunting with Sîron and Demon, whom I’ve also become good friends with, and I was desperately trying to avoid Legolas and Ada. I knew Legolas would want to come and if Ada caught me going without Legolas, I wouldn’t be able to go, and he would make Legolas go.


        Floriel still wouldn’t shut up. I stopped walking and pulled her to the side. “Floriel, if you don’t stop talking, someone is going to hear you and it’s a good chance it could be Legolas or my father. We don’t want that, okay?” I asked. She nodded. “Good.” I said. We continued on our way to the front of the palace where the two Ellons were waiting for us.


        We had both safely and quietly reached the palace front. Almost there. I thought to myself. “Where are you going?” Legolas asked from behind me.


        I dropped to my knees and raised my arms to the ceiling, then shouted, “Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!” I bet you I looked mad, but I felt that it was necessary. I quickly raised to my feet again and turned to Legolas. “We’re go–” I was cut off my Floriel saying, “We’re going into the forest to hunt.” cheerfully with a smile. “Whyyy would you tell him that?” I breathed. “Because that’s what we’re doing.” she said. I face-palmed then walked outside to meet Demon and Sîron, Floriel following me.. “My stupid brother is coming.” I huffed and crossed my arms. “Awesome.” Demon said. I glared at him. Every single Elf in the borders of  Mirkwood loves my brother. The Elleths think he dreamy and the Ellons all want to spar or talk with him. What do I get? Overprotectiveness from my father who everyone is afraid of. Do you see my point?


        Legolas came out soon enough and we walked to the stables to claim our horses. I found my horse that was a coffee brown with vanilla spots. “Hello Loboron.” I said to him, petting his snout. I tried my hardest to mount him, but I wasn’t tall enough, as usual. I wasn’t short, but I wasn’t tall, if that makes sense. After many failed attempts at climbing onto my horse, I felt strong hands grasp my waist and a male voice say, “Jump.” I did what he told me, then he hoisted my small body onto my horse. I looked to see Sîron smiling at me. I quickly smiled back before looking away to hide my blush. I hear him walk away and mount his own steed.


        I made eye contact with Floriel who winked at me about my encounter with Sîron. I blushed, again, for the hundredth time because that Elf.


        As we rode, the three males rode ahead and spoke with each other. “What was it like having King Thranduil as a father growing up?” Floriel asked me from my right. I smiled, remembering many memories I had with my father as I grew older. “A lot of fun.” I smiled at her. “You seem to be the only one who can make him smile.” she said. “What?” I asked her, confused. “During training, he is normally nasty and cold, but when you showed up with Legolas, he actually smiled. That was the first time I had ever seen King Thranduil smile.” she said. “I’m sure it’s the same with Legolas.” I said. She shook her head, “But it isn’t.” “I don’t understand.” I told her. “Your father loves you and Legolas dearly. That much is true, but even when Legolas is around, he still has that cold stare. “When you are there, his eyes seem to be full of life again.” she explained. “Why do you think that is?” I asked her. “My father says it’s because you resemble the Queen.” My body froze. The mother I never met. “O-oh.” I stuttered. “He is very protective of you, from what I can tell. You both seem to have a very strong father-daughter relationship.” she said. “We do.” I agreed.

PRINCESS OF THE WOODLAND REALM: A BOOK OF MEMORIES  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora