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don’t want to go.” I whined. Ada was currently dressing himself, not being able to choose between the silver or gold robes while I was pestering him. “Well you are.” he said, “Stop whining.” He was still unable to choose between the bloody clothing. “Wear the gold one. Please don’t make me go!” I yelled. He then put the gold one in front of his body and nodded, “It goes well with the black pants, and you are going. Stop griping!” “Adaaaaaaaaa” I complained. “You are going and that is final.”


        I crossed my arms and stood my ground. “No.” “What did you say?” he asked, turning around. “I said, No. I am not going.” “Yes, you are.” he said, “and that is final.”


        If you are confused, my father and Legolas were invited to Rivendell. I was also, but I did not want to go. Despite Ada’s orders, I continued to see Sîron and with them both gone, I could spend more time with him. Lordis, a maid, entered his room during our argument. “I am sorry, My King.” she apologized. “I will le–” “You may stay.” I said, cutting her off. “I’m done here anyways.” I said and stormed out of his bedroom.




        “Go away Legolas.” I said to the elf next to me. “I’m not Legolas.” he said. I turned to see the Elf I had slowly fallen in love with. “Sîron!” I exclaimed. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. “I do not want to go.” I whispered into his shoulder. “I will be here when you return. Meanwhile, have fun. I hear they have extraordinary wine in Rivendell.” he said. I could almost hear him smirk. I pulled out of the hug and rolled my eyes. “You and your love for wine.” I sighed, smiling in the process. He shrugged. “It’s not my fault it’s so delicious.” I laughed.


        “Lerthenil, your father requests your presence.” A guard said, walking towards me. “Yes, of course. Tell him I will be right there.” He nodded and went to deliver my father the message. “I will be back soon.” I told Sîron. “I’ll be waiting.” he winked. I giggled and pecked his lips before turning away and walking to my father.


        “What took you so long?” Legolas asked when I reached him. “Nothing.” I told him. “Were you with your little boyfriend?” he asked. I blushed and shushed him so Ada wouldn’t hear us. “You were!” he shouted. “Legolas, shut up!” I said, slapping his arm. Luckily, Ada was too busy talking to a guard to notice us.


        Legolas’s eyes suddenly grew soft as he said, “I won’t tell.” It surprised me but I gave him a nod and said “Thank you.”


        I had to share Legolas’ horse as Loboron’s horse shoes were being replaced. I climbed onto the back of his horse and wrapped my arms around his torso as we waited to set off.




        We finally arrived in Rivendell about a day later. I jumped off of the horse and ran into my old friend, Arwen, arms. “I have missed you mellon,” she said. “As have I.” I smiled at her.


        We were then sat at a large table outside. The table was filled with bread, salad, and other foods except meat. I was one of the only Elves who actually ate meat; I hate the taste of it, but it helps me build muscle. I eat it once month to help build strength. “Lerthenil,” Elrond said, catching my attention, “have you found a suitor?” he asked. I gulped. I had, but I could not say that in front of my father. I quickly gave Legolas a frightened glance before saying, “No, Lord Elrond, I have not.” with a fake smile. Arwen caught my glance to my-oh so lovely-brother and gave me a questioning look when everyone continued talking. I shook my head at her as if to say ‘nevermind.’


        I found a small bowl of grapes, which I did not fancy, so I began to cure my boredom by throwing them at Legolas when no one was looking. Arwen caught me once and gave me a disapproving glare. I threw another grape at Legolas but this time he caught it in his mouth causing me to “OOOOOOOOOOHHH,” catching everyone's attention. Elrond was smiling at me, his sons didn’t give me any mind and Ada was giving me that ‘you-are-in-so-much-trouble-when-we-get-home’ look. You know, the one parents give you. Yeah, that. I smiled sheepishly and shrunk in  my seat.


Well, no more of that.


        I looked around for Lindir, Elrond’s right hand man I guess you could say, and waved him over. “Yes, My Lady?” he asked. “Please, call me Lerthenil. May I ask, where is the toilet?” I asked him. “Let me guide you to it.” he said. “Thank you.” I nodded. I excused myself and allowed Lindir to escort me to the toilet. “Will you be able to find your way back, My l- Lerthenil?” he asked. “Yes, thank you Lindir.” I told him. He nodded to me, then left me to my business.

        When I made it back to the table, the topic was on me. “Speaking of Lerthenil, there she is.” Elrond said. “You were talking about me?” I asked. “Only the good things.” Arwen said to me as I sat down. I smiled at her. “I asked you earlier if you had a suitor and you said no. Is that the truth?” Elrond asked, knowing the answer. “I-I… uhm,” I started. “Lerthenil?” Ada asked. I bit my lip. I haven’t revealed anything and now he knows that I have been seeing someone. “What is this lucky Ellon’s name?” Elrond asked. Ada looked hurt, angry and disappointed at the same time. “S-Sîron.” I stuttered. Father’s eyes widened. “Lerthenil. You deliberately disobeyed me. I told you not to go near him.” he said. “You said nothing of the sort. You said you wouldn’t allow it, but who are you to stop love?” I snapped at him. He looked taken back, surprised by my outburst. “What do you know of love?” he asked angrily. “More than you think.” I said. “You love this Ellon?” he asked. I nodded and said “Very much.”

        Ada rubbed his face then said, “Then who am I to stop this love?” I could feel my face light up and I jumped from my seat, ran around the table, and tightly hugged him. “Thank you Ada!” I squealed. “I’ll always love you more though.” I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead before we all continued to eat and tell stories