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Daddy Daughter Day 

        “A father daughter day?” I asked. Floriel nodded. She was currently telling me about how she has these ‘Father Daughter’ days with her Ada. “That sounds fun.” I told her. “You’ve never had one?” she asked, surprised. I shook my head no. “You should! I have bonded a lot with my father during the couple times we’ve had those days.” she said. “I will actually.” I said. “Is he doing anything today?” she asked. I laughed, “How should I know?” She shrugged, “I would guess you did.”


        “There’s only one way to find out.” I said. “And what’s that?” she asked. “If he doesn’t have anything planned, he’ll still be in bed.” I told her. “Really?” she asked. I nodded, “When he gets the chance to be lazy, he does.” I said, standing up. “Would you like me to come with you?” she asked. I thought about it for a moment. “I guess, but you’ll have to wait in my room. He would be furious with me if you came in.” I said. “Don’t servants go in there all the time?” she asked. “Only one. Her name is Lordis and it is only her, Legolas, and I that are allowed into his room.” I said. She nodded understandingly and we set off to my father’s room.




        “Okay, wait here.” I told her. Like I said earlier, Floriel had to wait in my room. I knocked on the door before entering to see if anyone would answer. No one did, so I slid in quietly. The curtains were drawn, but streaks of sunlight seeped through the thread and lightly lit up the room. I swiftly walked to them and yanked them open, lighting up the entire room. I heard groaning and looked to see Ada covering his head with his duvet. “Who wakes me up at this hour?” he asked. “Your daughter. Wake up.” I said, “We are going out.” “Where and Why?” he asked. “I do not know where yet, but to answer why is because my good friend, Floriel, goes on father daughter trips sometimes to bond and we have never had one. Today is the day we are going to.” I said, rummaging through his closet to find something for him to wear.


        “I have duties to take care of  today.” he said. “No you don’t” I smirked. “How would you know?” he asked. “You slept in.” I told him. “That doesn’t satisfy my curiosity.” he stated. “If you sleep in, I know you have nothing to do. Lucky for me, you don’t so, we are going to have a fun day together whether you like it or not.” I said, pulling out a white tunic with green pants. I threw them on his bed and went to fetch his boots. “What if I refuse?” he asked. “You won’t because you are always busy and I never get to see you. Also, like I said, you’re doing it whether you like it or not.”


        He quickly got dressed while I managed to find his laced brown boots in his pile of shoes. I strolled into his bathroom to find a hairbrush and when I did, threw it at him. I didn’t have Legolas braid my hair this morning so while Ada was getting ready, I went to have Floriel braid my hair.


        “Was he in there?” she asked. I nodded and said in front of her. “Braid my hair.” I uttered. “Doesn’t Legolas normally do it?” she asked. “Do you see him? No. Now braid my hair.” I demanded. “Okay, no need to be pushy.” she said and started braiding my hair.


        Floriel was about half way through with my braid when there was a knock at the door. “Enter!” I shouted. Ada entered and stared at the Elleth braiding my hair. “Why is Floriel here?” he asked. “She’s braiding my hair. What does it look like?” I asked. He rolled his eyes and sat in a chair in the corner of my room. “He’s very intimidating.” Floriel whispered in my ear. “Not when you have lived with him since you were a child.” I said. “That must have been very scary.” she suggested. I shook my head and said, “Not really. Sitting on his throne was fun.”


        “Why do you talk about me as if I were not here?” Ada asked, causing Floriel to jump. “I-I apol–” “No need to apologize Floriel.” I cut her off. “He is just grumpy that I woke him up so early on one of his rare days off.” I said.


        “All done.” Floriel announced, standing up. I followed her actions and we said our goodbyes. “What are we doing first?” Ada asked. I eyed his badly brushed hair and an idea popped into my head. “Fixing your hair.” I said. “What?” he asked. I dragged a chair so that it was in front of my vanity. “Sit.” I ordered. “What is the meaning of this?” he asked. “You obviously don’t know how to brush your hair, so I am going to brush it for you.” I said.




        After a many minutes of yanking the brush through my father’s hair, I got it to feel silky and smooth. While his eyes were still closed, I managed to clip in a couple colourful bows and smiled at my work. He opened his eyes and a look of horror struck his face. “Take them out now!” he demanded. I laughed and did as I was told.


        “What is the next activity?” he asked. “I can teach you my skills on how to avoid Legolas!” I said and smiled innocently. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “We can walk down to the river. It’s not deep into the woods where we would get attacked, but it’s far enough for a peaceful walk.” he said. “How many times have you gone there?” I asked him. “I haven’t gone since… uhm… since your mother died, but I would love to go down there again and share it with my only daughter.” he said. I smiled at him nodding.


        We rode out to the location and when he jumped off his horse, I looked to see a beautiful river in the middle of trees with a small sandy beach and sunlight complimenting the water with the most loveliest shine. “It’s beautiful.” I commented. He didn’t respond as I climbed off of my horse and ran to the mini beach. I sat in the white sand and smiled when the sun tickled my face. I heard Ada sit in the sand beside me and he sighed.


        “What was she like?” I asked, then continued, “my mother. Many people say I resemble her.” “They are not wrong.” he said. “You got your hair from me, but your turquoise eyes from her.” he said. His icy eyes were passed down to Legolas while mine were more of a deeper blue. “She had a dark hair colour with the most beautiful natural blonde highlights and pale skin.” he said almost as if he were daydreaming. “She sounds very charming.” I said. “She was.” “Tell me about her personality.” I said.


        I looked at him to already see him smiling at me. “You truly do look like her. You have a similar personality too, believe it or not.” he said. “She was very out-going, much like you are. She wasn’t afraid to try something out of the ordinary or stick up for herself. She was extremely brave and was phenomenal with a bow, if I may add. She was also very independent and loved animals.” he said. “You would have loved her.” I nodded agreeing. By his description, she was the most beautiful elleth he or I has ever met, inside and out.

        Even though I have never met her, I knew she was always with me.