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Come on Ada.” Legolas said, bringing our father to the kitchen. “What is the meaning this?” he asked. “Well, you see, the thing is… you can’t cook.” I said. “Way to sugarcoat it.” Legolas mumbled. I shrugged, It’s only the truth. “What does my bad cooking have anything to do with this?” Ada asked. “Well Edenel, our cook, is with child and she will be leaving for two weeks. We haven’t found another cook to trust with our water, so that puts the food into your hands, which is not the best choice.” I said. “I still do not see why you are bringing me to the kitchen.” he said. “Before Edenel leaves, she is going to teach you how to cook.” I said. “Did you not consider the fact that I have a meeting with the king of Rohan today?” he asked. “No. I decided to ignore it because I don’t want to die of starvation because your food tastes so bad.” I said. “I have feelings you know.” he said. “I didn’t consider that either.” I said.


        “That’s enough.” Legolas said as we reached the kitchen. “Hello! Come in, come in.” Edenel said, rushing around the kitchen. She was the only one in there at the moment. “Edenel! Thank you so much for helping us!” I said, going to help her carry some things. I set the few bowls she had on the large island in the middle of the cookery. “Thank you, Lerthenil.” she said to me. I nodded to her and grabbed aprons for me and the other two ellons. I threw a blue one at Legolas and a green one at father. “What do I do with this?” he asked. I laughed, “You put it on to keep your clothes from becoming filthy.” He and Legolas gave each other a look, but put them on. I put on my purple one and washed my hands. “What are we making?” I asked her. I could cook very well. I could even take over the cooking for my father, but don’t tell him that.


        “We are going to make Lavender and Lemon muffins to start. Then I will teach you all how to prepare a proper meal.” she said. “Am I only going to be making one meal for the time that you are gone?” Ada asked. “Oh no!” she exclaimed. Edenel has been at this palace longer than I have been alive. She has no reason to be formal any longer. At least, that’s what I told her to do. This is a cooking class and she should be worrying more about my Ada burning the palace down rather than formalities.


        “I will give you a cookbook filled with recipes that you can make while I am away. All the instructions will be there and you’ll know how to use all of the equipment.” she said. Ada just nodded and paid attention to what she was saying. While she was going over what some of the tools did, I began gathering the ingredients. Sugar, Lavender, Lemon zest, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, buttermilk, vegetable oil, Lemon extract, one egg, and butter. I walked to the island where Edenel was still teaching about the tools and set all of the ingredients on the countertop. The clatter caught her attention and she whipped her head towards me. Once she saw the items, she quickly thanked me and continued to talk.


        “Alright! Wash your hands while Lerthenil and I set up the baking counter.” she said. Legolas and Ada both walked to the sink while I was grabbing the measuring cups. “Make sure Legolas pays attention. He can’t cook either.” I whispered to her. She giggled and nodded to me, making a smile creep onto my face.


        “Okay,” Edenel started, clapping her hands, “Let’s start.”




        “NO ADA!” I screamed. “Not the ⅓ measuring cup! the ½ measuring cup!” “What’s the difference?” he asked. “That’s not enough sugar. The recipe calls for ½ a cup  of sugar. One-third of a cup is too little. The muffins will be bitter.” I said. He huffed, frustrated. “Why don’t you just cook?” he asked. “Because, knowing how to cook might save your life one day.” I told him, only half lying.


        “Okay, now pour the sugar into the bowl along with the Lavender.” Edenel instructed. The boys did as told and mixed it together. “Why am I doing this?” Legolas asked. “Because, you aren’t the best at cooking either.” I said. “Plus, a man who knows how to cook is one a woman will want to marry.” “Can Sîron cook?” Ada asked. “Yes he can, in fact.” I smiled. “Is this Sîron your lover?” Edenel asked. “You have no idea.” Legolas said. “Everytime he is mentioned, she blushes.” he added and gestured to my red cheeks. “Sîron is the same way too.” Ada added. “How would you know?” I asked. “I have small talks with him sometimes, considering that he may become my son-in-law.” he said. “He really loves you.” “And I love him back.” I said.




        “The moment we have waited for.” Edenel said. “The big taste test.” I continued. Legolas and Ada went through a lot to finish these and we were about to put the taste to the test. Both Edenel and I had a plate with both of the muffins sitting in front of us. “First, we’ll try Legolas’” I said. I smelt it and smiled. “Smells delicious.” I complimented. I looked at Edenel before taking a bite of the muffin.


        It tasted phenomenal. “It’s amazing!” I yelled. Edenel agreed and congratulated Legolas. “I have a brother who can cook, but do I have a father who can?” I asked. For the first time in years, my father looked nervous. “Ready?” I asked Edenel. She nodded and we both took a bite. It was even better than Legolas’ muffin. “Edenel, you are  miracle worker!” I shouted. “Is it good?” Ada asked. “It’s fantastic!” I exclaimed. He let out a breath and smiled.

        “Now for the proper meal.” Edenel said, smiling mischievously. Ada and Legolas groaned before starting to listen to the instructor.