21 Experiences Only Theatre Kids Could Understand

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Inspired by: Julia Pugachevsky

1. Waiting to hear which play/musical would be put on next was more suspenseful than getting your AP Bio test back.

2. Auditions filled you with so much hope every time. What if this was your year?

3. Any day you got a part other than "chorus" was a glorious one.

(Even if you only had five speaking lines.)

4. But being a chorus member had its perks, like having more time to hang out with your friends backstage.

5. Getting a script on the first day always made you feel so legit.

6. And you always wrote your script notes in pencil, because no stage direction was too permanent.

7. Costume day. Was. The. Best....AKA the day you get to try on costumes and be geekishly excited about it.

8. Doing each others' hair and makeup was a bonding experience like no other.

9. Between pit band and tech crew, you met so many people you probably wouldn't have met otherwise.

10. You "fell in love" with at least one really talented and perfect boy.........................And he was probably gay. SORRY GIRLS :(

11. And seeing people couple up from playing love interests was always adorable.

12. Being on stage, even if in the background, gradually got you more comfortable with being in front of an audience.

13. You collected all the playbills of the shows you were in and saw.

14. You were constantly inspired - whether to write/direct your own show, or simply practice your choreography more.

15. You saw winning an award as a practice Oscar.

If only "Most Improved" could be an award for all endeavors in life.

16. And you viewed drama club banquets as rehearsal Tonys.

17. You may not have been as popular as the athletes, but people still filled up the auditorium to see a show you helped put up, and that was really validating.

18. You learned a lot of new fancy terminology, like "fourth wall", "blocking" and "striking".

19. Everyone had a pair of jazz shoes.

20. Getting to wear prosthetics or made to look like an old person was always amusing.

21. You took superstitions seriously for the first time in your life.
----Btw it's the Scottish Play or you're dead

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