More theatre kid problems etc.

978 40 205

1. Your life is empty and meaningless when you don't have a show

2. There should be a closing night support group

3. The "NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE AUDITORIUM" sign doesn't apply to you.

4. You know the exact location of every fast food restaurant and coffee house within 15 minutes of the theatre.

5. Notes = life...or death

6. If you're a girl, you've been felt up by every other girl in the cast.

7. Boys who can sing, dance, AND act = Love.

8. You belt out songs from whatever show you're currently obsessed with on the way to class.

9. Your room at home is a mess, your dressing room is pristine.

10. Modesty, personal space, and changing in private have not meant anything to you in years.

11. When someone breaks up with you, you take notes.

12. English class is a joke. Translate a Shakespeare scene into modern English? You've already done it for most of his major works...

13. You talk with your hands.

14. There are three things in life: Rehearsal, Stress, and Cast Parties.

15. You have a facebook album consisting solely of headshots.

16. You don't drink or eat dairy.

17. You have a box (or nine) labelled "Scripts/Sheet Music"

18. You have a program collection.

19. You have a ticket stub collection.

20. You have a facebook album for every show.

21. You listen to OCRs in the car, and your THEATRE friends don't mind.

22. You understand and laugh at the lyrics of Forbidden Broadway

23. You spit out your gum every time you walk into a theatre.

24. You know that on two-show days, Red Bull = Life.

25. You know that missing your light is the equivalent of asking the stage manager to shoot you.

26. You know not to bug the stage manager during tech week.

27. Febreeze is your friend.

28. You know it should have been Jonathan Groff.

29. So help you if you're the kid who screws up the harmony.

30. You know not to touch the headset.

31. Or the stage manager's show bible.

32. Or the dance captain's choreo notes.

33. Or anyone else's props.

34. You'd rather chill at the theatre than at home.

35. You get used to not sleeping.

36. Or eating.

37. You know what wings, scrim, masking, flies, and pit are.

38. You take calcium supplements.

39. You've caught yourself accidentally referring to someone in your theatre company as your "sister" or "brother" rather than your friend.

40. After the last show you end up with more lipstick on your face then you started with

41. You've come to accept that all the eyeliner will never come off your eyelids no matter how hard you scrub.

42. You have sticky or hairless places on your neck because the mic tape has pulled it off.

43. You know that even rubbing alcohol can't remove the gunk left over from the aforementioned tape.

44. You can detect a cold that is days away.

45. when you can see "Joseph ... Dreamcoat" listed as a credit in a program, and are able to fill in the "..."

46. AND you know all the colours of his coat by heart.

47. You and your friends can sing "Happy Birthday" in four-part harmony.

48. You know you're a theatre kid when someone says, "Let's start at the very beginning.." and without missing a beat you chime in with "It's a very good place to start."

49. You can continue these lyrics: "Gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and I'll..."

50. As soon as you start rehearsal, you stop putting effort into your appearance. Tech week? Everyone at school asks if your dog died.

51. You know the opening dance to A Chorus Line....whether you want to or not.

52. You know how to pronounce everything in the Fiddler script.

53. You don't care that fourteen girls had the same dress as you at prom but god help the ***** that has 'your' monologue.

54. You do not cut or dye your hair, lose weight, gain weight, or change your physical appearance in ANY WAY under penalty of death once cast.

55. You are constantly having to explain to your parents that too sick for school and too sick for rehearsal are totally different...the former is "contagious" and the latter is "dead".

56. when someone asks if you have a non-showtune on your ipod you reply, "well, moulin rouge, and idina menzel's and adam pascal's solo albums," and they reply that those don't count.

57. You actually start using your lines in real life.

Bob: I don't know why you can still hang out with me all the time, I sing and dance everywhere.

Sally: You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant!

58. You tap dance when you are waiting in line or have to pee (which is quite often what with all the water you drink to keep those precious cords hydrated!).

59. Your first pair of heels were character shoes.

60. You giggle when someone talks about the "orchestra and balcony"

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