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'Close your eyes and let music set you free' - Phantom of the Opera

'No one is alone' - Into the Woods

'Put on a happy face' - Bye Bye Birdie

'I've got a lot of living to do' - Bye Bye Birdie

'I dreamed a dream in time gone by' - Les Mis

'Another day, another destiny' - Les Mis

'You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll find you've collected nothing but a lot of sad, lonely yesterdays' - The Music Man

'Here she is boys! Here she is world!' - Gypsy

'Got to find my corner of the sky' - Pippin

'I'll eat some breakfast, then change the world' - Hairspray

'Won't forget, can't regret. what I did for love' - Chorus Line

'It's like Ginger Rogers said to Fred Astaire...Anything you can do, I can do better...and in heels!' - La Cage Aux Folles

'Musicians stay in the pit...and for good reason!' - 42nd Street
'Even though we are sitting down, we are giving you a standing ovation' - The Producers

'Last night a star was born on Broadway' - The Lovely Miss Ulla

'You can talk to BIRDS?!' - Into the Woods

'Dwarves are very upsetting' - Into the Woods

'Don't be afraid that it won't be perfect. The only thing to be afraid of really is that it won't be' - Company

'Screw the middle classes' - Evita

'Anything can happen if you let it' - Mary Poppins

'Being true to yourself never goes out of style' - Legally Blonde

'The future's got a million roads for you to choose, but you'll walk a little taller in sone high heel shoes' - Hairspray

'What is the term for when someone has great sweeping feelings of emotion but knows that it will ultimately come to nothing?' -'Andrew Lloyd Webber' - Xanadu

'There ain't nothing like a dame!' - South Pacific

'I'd say it now but it'd take all day' - The Drowsy Chaperone

'Happy talk! Talk about things you like to do!' - South Pacific

'As we travel on, love's what we'll remember' - Chorus Line

'To us and our good fortune! Be happy, be healthy, long life' - Fiddler on the Roof

'Oh the thinks you can think when you think about Seuss!' - Seussical

'Impossible things are happening every day' - Cinderella

'In olden days a glimpse of stocking, was looked on as something shocking, now Heaven knows, anything goes!' - Anything Goes

Something burst in me wide open, impossible to hide
~Billy Elliot

Everything was beautiful at the ballet
~A Chorus Line

~A Chorus Line

Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love!
~A Chorus Line

Won't forget, can't regret, what I did for love
~A Chorus Line

Look at all the people, at all the people!
~A Chorus Line

God I hope I get it. I hope I get it. How many people does he need?
~A chorus line

But I know we shall find, our own peace of mind, 'cause we have been promised a land of our own.
~Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Day after day we'll find the will to find our way, knowing that the darkest skies will someday see the sun.
~Next to Normal

And spread sunshine all over the place, just, put on a happy face
~Bye Bye Birdie

"I'm a baker!" -Into the Woods

"Live! Live! Live! Life's a banquet, and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!" - "Mame

"If you know what you want than you go and you find it and you get it" - "Into the Woods"

"525,600 minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?" - "Rent"

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