Signs you are a theatre kid

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You know you're a theatre kid when:

-you practically live at the theatre
-your most common excuse is you have rehearsal
-you know to find your light and stay there
-just because he dances, doesn't mean he likes men
-you like to frolick around, sing show tunes, and get very touchy-feely with others
-guys helping girls get dressed/undressed and vice versa isn't wierd
-your second nature is to hug everyone and cry without worrying what others think
-breaking legs is all in a days work
-one word: caffine
-getting home at midnight on a weeknight is normal
-sleep? who needs sleep?
-you carry around a tooth brush, sewing kit, and deoderant. just incase
-an 8 hour rehearsal is heaven
-...or hell
-you see your cast mates more than your family
-your cast mates become your family!
-no matter how tempting, you don't touch other people's props
-you don't get upstage and downstage confused
-you know where every fast food restaurant, dunkin donuts, and starbucks is within 10 minutes away
-you think singing is a sport because it works out your abs
-you don't get in the way of the running crew because you know you will be sorry
-you KNOW not to provoke your stage manager and director durring hell week
-techies rule the world
-you have felt up someone of the same gender but aren't gay
-eating in costume? are you crazy??
-you have "crazy" warm ups
-you have a preshow ritual. and it changes each show
-you know the correct spelling is "theatRE"
You know you're a theatre kid when..
~ You are convinced that dance is a sport and argue constantly with those who disagree
~ You have what seems to be thousands of pairs of dance shoes
~ You have been known to refer to a sports practice as "rehearsal" or a sports try-out as an "audition"
~ You know exactly which audition songs are overdone and always avoid singing them
~ You cringe when other people perform them
~ There is constant drama in your fact, it is expected in your daily routine
~ People get mad at you (and you get mad at them) if you don't hug them hello or goodbye
~ You are extremely critical of other actors' performances, particularly if they're your competition
~ Everyone finds out everything
~ All you talk about with your theatre friends is either who sucks and who is "amazing"
~You understand how "politics" apply to theatre and have to put up with them constantly
~ You cry about stupid things constantly
~ You get really pissed off and get in bad moods for no reason randomly
~ Your idea of a Saturday night is going to see your friends show
~ Your best friends are of all different ages
~ You have like 4 different groups of friends who all live nowhere near you
~ You quickly become best friends with any group of people you are doing a show with
~ The only thing in your cd player is show tunes
~ You can stay up all night listening to show tunes
~ You know all the lyrics to all the musical theatre shows ever
~ Your non-theatre friends get irritated when all you have time for on the weekends are rehearsals and shows
~ You have been known to call your friends or cast mates by the names of characters they've played
~ Everyday conversations contain phrases from past shows, and you thus respond with the following line/lyric
~ You use your current production as an excuse for slacking in school
~ You're in the car for at least a fourth of your week
~ Your parents are sick of driving you everywhere...and if you can drive you are sick of driving other people everywhere
~ Fast food is your dinner at least 5 times a week
~ You can hardly ever sleep in on weekends because you have to go to rehearsal
~ The most exciting thing in your life is knowing what show your company is doing next
~ The most depressing thing in your life is when you can't be in a show
~ The biggest news in your life is when the cast list comes out
~ You miss school because you are tired, stressed and have a show that night
~ Your life is put on hold when a new touring musical comes to town
~ You were familiar with the shows like Rent, the Producers, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Moulin Rouge etc. BEFORE they became major movies
~ You've seen all the classic musical movies and compare them with the stage versions
~ You know what green rooms are (and you know that they aren't green)
~ You randomly burst into song and dance in public
~ You save all scripts, programs, and t-shirts from shows you've been in or seen
~ You still have secret handshakes, but instead they're more like dance routines
~ You love everything about theatre
~Chicago isn't a city, it's a musical.
~You think there should be a post-production depression support group.
~You have an album on Facebook filled with only headshots.
~You can remember every line from every show you've been in, but can't remember your homework assignment to save your life.
~You can read Joseph...Dreamcoat, and already fill in the blanks.
~You use your mirror to practice dance moves and emotions, but you don't even notice your outfit.
~ you love theatre and couldn't think of life without it

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