Theatre Kids Understand

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22. You have at least 4 songs titled "overture" in your phone/iPod/MP3 player etc.

21. Your entire wardrobe is 75% cast t-shirts

And you're subsequently used to people walking behind you and asking if they can "find your name"

20. Your "small playbill collection" looks a little something like a mountain of playbills

And you're not ashamed.

19. You're waiting for a cast list to come out and people ask why you're so quiet.

"Why are you so quiet today?"


18. Somebody around you was talking about a musical, and you kinda just---YA know

17. You know an impressive variety of historical facts solely because of musicals.

Thanks to musicals, you dominate your History class with your extensive knowledge on ancient egypt, the civil rights movement, at least 3 wars and a newsboy strike

16. And a bit about law, too.

Malum in se (mahl-um in say) adv: An act that is evil in itself- assault, murder, white shoes after labor day.

15. You watch old show DVDs with a mix of bittersweet emotions inside of you

Bonus points if you can still remember which exact performance it was and what memories were being made backstage before a scene began.

14. how you feel when find an upcoming audition near your town online.

You knew joining all 4 of those Facebook groups would pay off some day!

13. When someone asks how many times you've seen your favorite show.

maybe 58? I'm not sure. Wait, do DVD pro-shots count?

12. Your Facebook/Twitter profile pic has been a photo of you with an actor at stagedoor.

And why shouldn't it be? It's not like you WAITED HOURS FOR THAT PIC WITH IDINA MENZEL or anything...

11. Throat coat is your preferred beverage.

It was weird at first, but now, with a little bit of sugar and a little bit of honey? Jesus take the wheel.

10. Your local diner is home to some of your best and weirdest memories.

Let's just say waiters aren't very happy people when you and a few people in matching shirts come in and ask for a table for about 30 or so people.

9. Your music library looks a lot like a pile of unknowns

And you're completely #shameless

8. You get what your friends say is "irrationally" excited for the Tonys.

It's SO MUCH MORE than an awards show.

7. You count down the days until theater camp starting the day you get back from theater camp.

Is it too early to start packing my trunk?

6. You could go to Disney World just to see the shows in Hollywood Studios.

5. Almost nothing can stop you when you see show merch.

4. You have a VERY strong opinion on bootlegs.

Whether you're for or against, you could get in a seriously heated debate over it.

3. You and your high school directors are like this: *does hand finger thingy*

In other words you and your high school directors are "tight" Especially when they're teachers you see everyday

2. Your reaction when your teachers give you homework during tech week.

1. You realize that even though what you do is hard work, it's totally worth it and you wouldn't trade it for anything.

Being a theater kid isn't easy, but it sure is fun. Now, put your phone away- 10 minutes to places!

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