Meeting The Teachers

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The entire student body sat in the gym as the principal took to the podium.  "Hello, students.  The reason you are all here today is to learn.  That's what this academy was founded on: Students wanting to learn, and having fun while learning.  I'm Blue, and I'll be your principal during your years here at Pokemon Trainer High.  Now, the staff will introduce themselves and answer any questions you may have."  A boy with jet-black hair took the woman's place.  "Hello, everyone.  My name's Red, and I teach about Pokemon battles.  Now, I assume you all have Pokemon.  If not, we'll deal with that during class.  What I focus on is teaching trainers how to battle without just going in recklessly and getting their Pokemon hurt.  Does anyone have any questions?"  No one raised their hands.  "Okay, on that note, I'll see you guys in class tomorrow."  A woman with long blond hair stepped up.  "Alright, my name's Yellow, and I teach students how to take care of their Pokemon when it's been seriously injured, since places where people are trained to heal Pokemon aren't always close.  What I mean is if you got attacked on a road, and a Pokemon Center was ten miles away.  That would be where you decide whether it's right to take care of your Pokemon yourself or wait until you reach the Pokemon Center."  No one had any questions.  Next, a man with black hair stepped up.  "Alright, you little airheads."  Everyone laughed.  "Name's Gold.  I'll be teaching you about catching Pokemon.  You all know what that is, right?"  Everyone nodded.  "Good.  I'll see you in class."  A woman with blue hair took his place.  "My name's Crystal, and I teach kids about befriending Pokemon, with or withour capturing them."  She went into great detail about her specific subject.  The rest of the teachers introduced themselves.  "Now, since today's a free day, you can all explore the school grounds.  But before you leave, the teachers will now announce the students in their hall.  Specific teachers supervise students in different halls, like counselors."  The man named Red stepped up to the podium.  "Alright, in West Hall is Daniel Lewis, Leigh-Anne Parker, Ash Ketchum, John Kipper, Sarah Rupert, Lyel Johnson, and Hanna Geric."  The students formed a line behind the teacher.  Next, Yellow called her students.  "Alright, now in East Hall is Kevin Lark, Manny Ling, Polly Keric, Nina Reddenburg, Anna Scott, Dawn Anderson, and Frank Hugh."  Then, Gold called his.  "Alright, for South Hall, we have Richard Thomas, Jerry Lyre, Jeremy Richards, Marie Yvonna, Holly Ore, George Derekson, and Drew Hayes."  Then Crystal called her students.  "Lastly, for North Hall, May Maple..."  She rattled off her list of chosen students.  The rest of the students were sorted accordingly. 


After he unpacked in his room, Ash decided to go explore the campus.  While walking, a girl with blue hair ran into him.  "O-Oh, I-I'm sorry."  She squeaked, and ran off.  "Wait, what's"  Ash tried to ask, but she was already gone.  He walked after her, and she ran towards the girl's bathroom.  He stopped.  She was sitting just beyond the door.  "Um, excuse me, but I never got a chance to ask your name."  He said.  She opened the door.  "I-It's Dawn."  She said, tears still running down her face.  "Why are you crying?"  Ash asked.  Dawn sniffled.  "To put it simply, I mess up everything."  She put her head in her hands.  "What do you mean?"  "I do too much or not enough, I'm too early or too late, I can't find a happy medium."  She cried.  "It's okay.  Maybe you just don't know how to yet."  Ash smiled.  "You know what  You're right.  Thanks.  Oh, I never got your name."  She realized.  "Name's Ash."  She shook his hand.  "Ash.  That's a unique name.  I'll remember that."  She smiled, and walked away.


Dawn ran crying to the girl's bathroom.  She closed the door and locked it.  She looked at herself in the mirror.  "They were right.  You're ugly and stupid."  She sobbed.  Dawn was used to hurting herself.  She had so many scars on her arms that she was running out of skin to cut.  Yet, she always managed to find some.  She dragged her blade across her arms a few times, then collapsed under the sink crying.  The boy she ran into earlier was asking for her name.  She opened the door and prayed her wouldn't notice the crimson streams running down her pale skin.  "I-It's Dawn."  Tears still ran down her face.  She and Ash had a long conversation about why she was crying.  She went to walk away, pleading he wouldn;'t notice her scars.  She was wrong.  "Where did you get these?"  He asked.  "T-That's none of your business."  She replied.  "If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to."


After unpacking, May immediately ran to Drew.  "May, what's the matter?"  He asked.  The young brunette sniffled and said, "Drew, I'm pathetic.  I have so many problems."  She sobbed.  "Shhhh.  You can tell me, May."  She trusted the green-haired boy more than anything.  "D-Drew, have y-you ever w-wondered w-why I'm s-so thin?"  The boy nodded.  She took a deep, ragged breath and said, "It's because I'm bulimic."  She felt more hot tears forming in her eyes.  "And you cut, don't you?"  She nodded as Drew traced some of her scars.  She was prepared for the scolding she'd get.  Instead, the boy hugged her.  She sat in shock.  "Please don't."  He whispered.  May didn't respond.  She didn't know how to.  "If you won't stop hurting yourself for you, please do it for me."  He added.  "W-Why?"  She managed.  "Because I think you're perfect just the way you are, May."  He said, looking into her sapphire eyes.  "I'm not perfect.  Not at all."  She mumbled.


"That's what you think."  Drew whispered to the brunette he was holding.  "Why do you think I'm perfect, Drew?  I'm obviously not.  People say God makes no mistakes, but he made me.  So God does make mistakes."  She whispered.  "No, May.  You may only see your flaws, but I don't.  What I see is someone God made so perfect, he gave her as few flaws as possible.  No one's perfect, May.  But I think you are."  She looked up at him, and whispered, "Thank you."  Drew sighed as she walked away.  Friendzoned again.  You had the chance to confess and you didn't.  You've know her for, what now, four years?!  And you've been friendzoned again and again and again while people hurt her.  Grow some balls and tell her you like her!!!!  Drew scolded himself mentally.  He walked back to his room and flopped face first on his bed, sighing.  If only he had the guts to tell May how he felt.

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