May's Twisted Reality

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May Maple looked like an ordinary student on the outside.  She was tall, a little skinny for her age, she had a slight tan, and long brown hair that suited her blue eyes.  She always wore a shirt with long sleeves or a jacket.  That was only the outside.  Where people saw a girl who was a little thin for her age, what she hid was someone who either didn't eat, or purged.  Where they saw a girl who always wore long sleeves, she hid a girl whose arms are too scarred to show.  Where they saw a girl with no emotion, on the inside, she bottled everything up.  May, breath shaky, softly knocked on Drew's door.  For once, she was wearing short sleeves.  Small maroon rivers ran down her arms, staining her pale skin.  "May?  W-What the hell?"  She burst into a nother round of sobs.  Drew saw the red stains and streams on her arms.  He brought her inside and closed the door.  "What made you cut this time, May?"  He asked, gently pressing a rag to the wounds.  "P-People c-called m-me f-f-fat a-again."  May sobbed, slowly catching her breath.  Drew looked up from the rag that was slowly becoming bloody.  "And you believed them?"  She nodded.  "May, how much do you weigh exactly?"  "A-A lot."  She stammered.  "No, I'm not taking that for an answer.  Get on a scale.  You don't weigh as much as you think."  May stood up slowly.  Stepping on a scale, big black numbers flashed May's abnormally low weight: 68 pounds.  "See?"  May broke down again, falling to her knees.  "May, I know it's not your fault. But you have to stop letting them get to you."  Drew hugged the shaking, sobbing, thin figure in front of him.  "I-I'm sorry."  May managed through sobs.  She sniffled and looked up at him.  "Thanks for taking care of me, Drew."  She smiled slightly.  I don't know whether this is better than being friendzoned or not.  But I'm gonna go with being a shoulder to cry on is worse than being friendzoned.  "Drew, why do people like to hurt me?"  May asked innocently.  "Because people already see you struggling.  They can see the pain in your eyes.  Some people like bringing that out for everyone to see.  Some people are just plain mean, I guess.  You should get your wrists bandaged or something."  May nodded slowly, then left without saying a word.  Her wrists had stopped bleeding, but were still red.  She ran to her room and curled into a ball on her bed, and cried.  


Drew stood outside the brunette's door, listening to her soft cries.  He knocked on the door and was answered with a sniffle.  "I-It's o-o-open."  She replied, trying desperately to keep her voice steady.  Drew opened the door slightly to find May curled up in a ball.  "Drew, a-am I a complete failure?"  She sniffled, sitting up.  "No, you're not.  Where the hell did you get that idea?"  "I-I guess I-I thought i-it was the only reason p-people kept h-hurting me."  May sniffled again.  "May Maple, listen to me.  You are not a complete failure.  Not in the slightest."  May hugged him, taking the boy by surprise.  "Drew, why do you always say that?  You always say I'm not a failure, that I'm perfect the way I am.  Why?  Is it because you feel bad for me?  You're sorry for the girl who can't stand herself?  I don't need your fucking pity, Drew!"  She shouted, standing up suddenly.  "I don't feel sorry for you!  If I did, I wouldn't help you when you needed me, and I wouldn't say those things about you!  You know why I say those things?!"  Drew shouted back.  "You have thirty seconds to say why or get out!"  May pointed to the door.  "You know what?  Don't even explain!  Just get the hell out, or so help me I'll-"  May didn't have time to finish her sentence before Drew interrupted.  "I say you're not a failure and I tell you that I think you're perfect because I....really, really like you, May."  Drew added in a normal voice.  " you, too."  May added quietly.  About damn time.  May thought happily.  "I-I'll see you later, Drew."  She closed the door and jumped around happily.  For once in her life, May Maple was truly happy.

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