Dawn's Cheerful Facade

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Dawn Anderson seemed gentle and kind and happy on the outside.  She was two of those three:  She was kind and she was gentle.  But she wasn't happy.  They say the saddest people smile the brightest, because they don't want anyone to be hurt like they were.

Back in her room, after her last class of the day, Dawn was staring at the ceiling, thinking.  It'd been almost a full semester at Pokemon High, and she'd made many friends.  But not everyone could tell what was wrong.  A month ago, she confessed to Yellow what exactly she'd been hiding.  "Dawn?  it's me, Yellow."  A gentle voice came.  "Can you open the door?"  Dawn sighed and unlocked her door, revealing Yellow and another girl her age.  "What is it?"  She asked.  "Can I sit?"  Yellow gestured to the bed space beside Dawn, and she nodded.  "Dawn, don't freak out when I say this.  You know how you told me you cut?"  Dawn nodded, raising an eyebrow.  "At the last staff meeting, I talked to the other teachers, and they agreed it would be easier for us to keep an eye on you if you had a room mate, and checked in with us once every two weeks."  Yellow made a 'come on' gesture towards the open door.  The other girl who was standing walked in nervously, her hands together in front of her and her head to the floor.  "This is Solidad.  She'll be your room mate for the rest of the year."  The girl looked up with a small smile.  "Hi."  She whispered.  Dawn was instantly drawn to her.  "I'll leave you girls alone to get to know each other a little better.  I'll see you again in two weeks, Dawn."  Before leaving, Yellow whispered something to Solidad, and the young woman nodded.  "So, Solidad, how old are you?"  "I-I'm 14."  She whispered.  Dawn sat in silence.  "Can... Can I see your arms, please?"  Solidad's voice was a little louder this time.  Dawn nodded.  Solidad rolled the sleeves up and touched the angry flesh on Dawn's forearm.  The blue-haired girl hissed at the cold touch on her angered flesh.  "You have a lot of scars."  Solidad said.  Tears began to stream down Dawn's face as she choked out, "Yeah."  "How long?"  She murmured.  "What?"  Dawn sniffed.  "How long have you been cutting?"  Solidad's sea-foam eyes met deep blue crystals.  "T-Three years."  Dawn sobbed.  "What triggers it?  The urge to cut?"  Solidad put an arm around Dawn.  "P-People b-bully me a-and p-p-push me around."  She choked out.  Dawn yelped slightly as Solidad's arms found their way around her.  "It's okay to cry, Dawn.  It's alright to show your emotions to me.  You can trust me."  Solidad whispered as she stroked Dawn's hair.  "Do you cry when you're upset, Dawn?"  Dawn looked up from Solidad's chest.  "N-No.  T-That's w-when I c-cut."  She sniffed.  "If you're upset, it's alright to cry.  It's better to cry than to hurt yourself."  Dawn nodded.  "Do you want help?"  Dawn just sobbed, saying yes.  "Then let me help you.  Let your friends help you.  That's what friends are for."  Solidad held Dawn as the young girl slowly stopped crying.  Dawn hiccuped as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.  "Thank you... Solidad."  Dawn smiled.  "That's what I'm here for."

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