Dawn's First Day

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Dawn looked at her schedule.  Her first class of the day was with the assistant teacher for East Hall, Sapphire.  Sapphire's class was in Room 408.  Dawn grabbed her Wild Life 101 book and locked her room.  She started down the hall, but tripped.  Most of the kids began to laugh.  "Are you okay?"  A green haired boy asked, helping Dawn pick up her books.  "Yeah.  Thanks."  She said awkwardly.  "Good.  Name's Drew."  He introduced himself.  "Nice to meet you.  My name's Dawn."  She smiled.  "So, what class are you headed to, Dawn?"  She held up her book.  "Ah, you have Sapphire first.  Good luck."  Drew laughed.  "Eh, I have her too.  I heard she gets pissy real easy with her first class."  Dawn giggled.  "C'mon, we don't wanna be late."  Dawn simply nodded.  As the rest of the students filed into the classroom, the bell rang.  "Alright, kids, sit down and shut up.  Before we begin, doesn anyone have any questions?"  One girl raised her hand.  "Miss Birch?"  She said.  Sapphire laughed.  "Oh, please, don't call me Miss Birch.  I'm only 24."  The class laughed.  "Alright, now what was your question?"  She said.  "Um, Sapphire, why don't you have a copy of our textbook?"  The girl asked.  "Easy.  You don't need it."  Most of the class groaned.  "Excuse me, when I said sit down and shut up, did I start that sentence with 'if it pleases Your Highness'?  No.  Now all of you, shut up and pay attention."  Dawn giggled.  The class went by quickly, and as Dawn grabbed her things, Sapphire called her.  "Dawn, can I speak to you for a minute?"  Dawn nodded.  Her heart rate increased.  "Your mother called the school and said that you have some trouble finding a happy medium with you time management and work ethics.  If you need any help, you can come see me or Yellow, alright?"  Dawn nodded.  She prepared to leave, but Sapphire wasn't quite done with her.  "Dawn, I'm not done yet.  Your friend Ash also told us that you have some emotional problems.  If you ever need someone to talk to or get help with homework or time management or if you just feel like you have too much on your plate, you can come talk to us, alright?"  Dawn nodded, tears forming in her eyes.  "Sweetie, don't cry."  Sapphire gave Dawn a friendly hug, and said, "We were students, too.  We went through the same thing.  Don't be afraid to talk to us, alright?"  Dawn nodded.  "Now go on.  You have free time now."  Dawn left the classroom.  She looked at her schedule.  Her next class was with Crystal.  She grabbed her Pokeball out of her locker, and a small, blue penguin came out of it.  The creature nuzzled the girl's leg, and it's pleading eyes seemed to say What's wrong, Dawn?  She bent down to pick up the small animal, and hugged it.  She decided to walk around the courtyard.  She sat beneath a tree and looked up at the sky.  She sighed and said, "Piplup, what's wrong with me?"  The penguin just nuzzled her arm lovingly.  "I don't think there's anything wrong with you."  A voice said.  She turned around to see Drew standing over her.  "What's got you down, Dawn?"  She sighed.  "I'm a failure at everything."  Dawn hid her face in her petite hands, trying to hide her red, puffy eyes.  "That's not true.  Do you have all F's?"  Drew asked, taking her hands away from her face.  "N-No."  She sniffled.  "Have you been kicked out of every club in school?"  She shook her head.  "Then you're not a failure at everything."  She smiled.  "Thanks, Drew."  The two had a conversation about their Pokemon, and pretty soon, it was time for class.  "What class do you have next?"  Drew asked.  "Befriending Pokemon.  You?"  "I have Yellow next."  Dawn waved as the two students went their seperate ways.  "Alright, class.  My name's Crystal, as you all know, but you can call me Crys if you like."  The blue-haired woman smiled.  "Now, as you all know, befriending Pokemon is only part of capturing.  But, you can befriend Pokemon in the wild without capturing them as well.  That's what I'm here to teach you about."  Dawn was bored through out the entire class.  When the bell ran, she was the first one out of the classroom.  Her next stop: lunch.  She sat as a table in the back, hoping no one would notice her.  She saw Drew, May, and Ash walk into the lunchroom.  Please don't notice me please don't notice me, please don't notice me.  She prayed.  Unfortunately for her, the trio noticed Dawn right away.  Please don't sit here, please don't sit here, please don't-And they sit here.  "Hey, Dawn.  This is May."  Ash said.  "May, this is Dawn."  Dawn smiled weakly.  Her last class was with Yellow.  "Alright, before we start class, why don't we do a little get-to-know-you excercise.  We'll go around the room and say our name, favorite color, and hall.  Alright?"  Everyone nodded.  "Okay.  I'll start.  My name's Yellow, I like the color blue, and I supervise East Hall."  The students went around the room until it came to May.  "My name's May, I like the color green, and I'm in West Hall."  She smiled.  "M-My name's Dawn, I like the color blue, and I'm in East Hall."  "Okay, that's everyone!"  Yellow said excitedly.  Dawn enjoyed learning about how to heal Pokemon, and the class flew by quickly.  When the school bell ran, signaling the end of class, no one stood up.  "And that's it for today.  Students in East, Northeast, and North Hall stay in here.  Students in Northwest, West, and Southwest, go to Red's classroom.  South and Southeast students, you can choose."  Dawn stayed in her seat as people moved in and out of the classroom.  Once everyone was settled, Yellow began speaking.  "Alright, students.  Now, none of you are in trouble, we just want to lay down some rules regarding interactions with other students.  It's fine to hang out in each others rooms, it's fine to date, but we draw the line at....other interactions."  Yellow managed.  The whole class started laughing.  "Okay, okay, I know when someone messes up their words it's funny, but I'm serious.  This school has a reputation to uphold.  Everyone understand?"  The class nodded.  "Alright, you all can go back to your rooms now."  Everyone stood up to leave.  Dawn prayed Yellow wouldn't notice her in the crowd of students.  "Dawn, I'd like to speak to you for a moment."  Dawn cursed silently.  "Dawn, I heard from your mother that you can't manage your time very well.  She also told us that you have emotional problems.  If you need to talk to someone you can come see me or Sapphire, alright?"  Dawn nodded, and went off to her room.  The last thing she wanted to do was talk to anyone else that day.

Fight Fire with Fire (A Pokemon Fan-Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora