Rise and Shine

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Simon P.O.V—

I had just woken up, it was 11 in the morning, 

The sudden cold breeze had grazed over my face, sending a tingly feeling down my spine.

My eyes opened, slowly. I had to adjust to living in a hotel, since the other place I lived in had gotten destroyed by a few high school kids, mad at the fact an Android can have a house.

There was a fan in my room, it turned around to face at me every 10 seconds, and everytime the cold air hit me, I felt all tingly inside, and I felt more awake.

A few minutes of lying in bed later, I had finally sat up, wrinkling the soft bedsheets.

I brushed the hair out of my face, and stood up from my bed.

I walked over to my wardrobe, and pulled out a hoodie, it was slightly oversized, but that's because Markus had gotten it for me, and he didn't know my size.

I then pulled out some tight, leather pants, with a pair of brown leather boots.

I walked into the closet to get changed..

|:| Time skip 5 minutes |:|

As soon as I got done changing, I walked out of the closet, and straight for the door of my bedroom. Walking out of my room, I was thinking about visiting Markus, it had been a few months since we last spoke, I thought it would be nice to finally see him again.

And that being said, I headed out the door, and called a taxi over to his house.

|:| 30 Minutes later of waiting |:|

A few snowflakes gently fell onto my boots, and onto my shoulders.

It tickled me to see snow, I've always had a liking to seeing snow for some odd reason.

A while later, the taxi pulled up to the front of the hotel I was staying in, I got into the backseat, and sat down in the tight cushions, making a creaky sound.

'' Hello, good sir! ''

 The taxi driver said with a happy voice, I was stunned to hear the word 'sir' come out of his mouth, a humans mouth to be exact, and to an Android? Wowie!

'' H-hello! I've never had a human drive me anywhere, it's always other androids. So this is sorta new to me.'' 

The man smiled, looked in the mirror above the dashboard, staring at me.

 '' Yeah, androids just seem smarter than humans. Not many people getting jobs anymore. But I think that's going to change, so I wouldn't worry too much.'' 

He smiled.

'' Well, here is my destination.''

 I slid over a tablet that was attached to the back of the seat, that I'd already signed where I wanted to go in it.

The taxi driver stared at the tablet for a split second and asked,

 '' This is that one guys house that freed the deviants, if I'm correct, right?''

I hesitated, the guy seemed nice, but I didn't know if he liked deviants. So I was scared to answer. 

'' Erm. Yes, uh yes it is actually!''

 I blurted out.

It was silent for a second, and I started to get anxious, and very worried.

I don't know why either, because I've talked with many people who have hated deviants, even androids, but I didn't wanna deal with anymore hate.

'' That's so cool, and I mean it too. Having a friend that saved many that lives? I'm jealous!''

He started the engine and started to drive off, relief filled my mind, and I was smiling.

|:| A 45 minute drive passes |:|

'' We have arrived,'' 

I looked up, and out of the window to see his house.

'' It was great talking with you, have a nice day!''

He said, and I smiled.

'' You too! Bye. ''

I leaped out of the taxi and closed the door gently, i then skipped over to his front door, I was excited to see him again. 

I rose my fist up to the door, and I went to knock but hesitated, I got a sudden flash of anxiety.

''What if he thinks I'm weird for visiting- no that's normal, that's what friends do!

But what if he- ugh okay, just open the door, and everything will turn out good!''

I thought to myself, then knocked on the door 4 times..

『 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚍 』𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘂𝘀 𝘅 𝗦𝗶𝗺𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now