The Reunion

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Simon P.O.V— 

I was starting to feel he wouldn't show up, after I had knocked.

A disappointed expression fell across my face.

I turned around to leave, just in the moment, the door opened, and a warm ray of air hit my back. I turned around, and I saw Markus standing there, just as shocked as I was.

'' Simon? '' 

He smiled,

Seeing him smile, it made me feel warm inside, and his smile.. it was so contagious,

I smiled along.

'' Hi, Markus! '' 

There was a pause, another silent pause. 

Markus pulled the neck of my hoodie and held me close to him, he wrapped his arms around my body, I was speechless, my face was turning bluer by the second.

His arms held me tight, his grip was so secure, yet so gentle.

I felt so safe, and warm inside of his arms.

I put my arms around his shoulders, and hugged back. Placing my head on his right shoulder.

'' It's been such a long time, I thought you had forgotten about me honestly. '' 

He said, releasing me from his grip, as I brought my arms down.

I wanted to say something like 'how could I forget you' or 'I could never forget you'

But I was too scared, that would be weird to say. Right?

I shook my head, and looked at Markus.

'' Of course I didn't, how could I? '' 

The words slipped from my tongue,

Markus just smiled, and stood way from the door.

'' Come on in, Simon '' 

He said, and I proceeded to walk through his doors.

My eyes danced around, staring at the neat decorations, and the cracking fireplace in the living room. I walked over to the little sofa, and took a seat. 

Still admiring the place, I said..

'' What a nice house you have, it's so pretty, and so well to together. '' 

Markus grinned, his arm scratching the back of his head.

'' Thanks, me and north set it up. Just to get into the holiday spirit. '' 

I turned pale, stared at Markus.

Did he just say.. North? No, I probably misheard him. There isn't any way he said her name.

Or maybe he did, and they're just friends— wait, why do I even care in the first place..

I turned a shade of blue in the face, flustered by what I thought to myself, there wasn't anyway that I..—

'' Simon, is everything alright? '' 

His words interrupted my thoughts.

'' Hm- oh- uh yeah, eheh- just a little cold that's all. '' 

I said, crossing my arms, to play my act.

'' Do you need anything? '' 

He asked me, and I turned a deeper shade of blue.

Jeez he is always offering, and nice. It's just so..

I don't know how to describe this feeling. But it makes me feel..

Good. To know he cares about me this much.

Markus tossed his jacket over me, and sat down beside me.

'' Are you sure you're okay, Simon? '' 

The time I had spent worrying about stuff, he had already wrapped me up in his jacket.

'' I- yes I'm okay! Just cold, like I said, that's all, really.''

I said, looking down and my hands, fiddling with my fingers.

Markus, on the other hand, didn't say anything. 

But instead he just got up and left into the kitchen,

When he was halfway to the kitchen, a knock at the door stopped him in his tracks.

He rushed to answer it, he slid across the floor and opened the door.

'' Ohhh you're back! '' 

He said out loud, pulling a girl into the house, by her waist.

I looked closer at the woman, and she looked very familiar,

'' I've missed you so much, what took you so long? '' 

Markus grabbed her face and pulled her in to his face,

My heart started to sink, deep into my stomach.

That isn't North is it..? God no, they aren't together right?

God- why do I even really care. It's not- like I- I don't know..

'' Some stupid humans, wouldn't let me pass through the line, it's no big deal though. '' 

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling her face up to his.

They shared a kiss, that lasted for about 5 seconds. But what felt like an hour to me..

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, and I felt sad. I couldn't explain it, Instead, I just looked down at my feet, and got all gloomy.

'' Oh yeah, and Simon decided to pay us a visit. ''

Markus said, pointing towards my direction.

North rolled her eyes, and let go of Markus.

'' Mk. '' 

She said, without a care in the world.

'' But why does he have your jacket on him? '' 

She whispered, in an attitude. 

'' He was just cold, Darling. '' 

I shuttered, hearing him say that word.

Jesus, I need to stop being so weird. I don't like him, or anything like that.

I looked up at them, and I put on a big smile.

'' Hi! North!'' 

I said as I stood up from the sofa.

'' Hi, Simon. '' 

She said while blankly staring at me.

Markus just stared at me fiddling with my fingers, he seemed confused.

'' Anyways, I'm going upstairs. '' 

She said before kissing right on the lips again.

I felt.. angry, but upset at the same time. I didn't know how I was feeling.

I held my hands together and squeezed them tightly..

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