Chapter 9

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"Shouta," Izuku whispers in his dark haired guardian's ear.

Shouta rubs his eyes, trying to push away the exhaustion at having been woken up by the boy. "What is it, Izuku?"

Shouta looks at him, standing by the bed that Shouta shares with Hizashi. He's alone, which confuses the older male knowing that Katsuki is staying the night.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

Shouta nods in encouragement, hoping to get to go back to sleep soon.

"Kacchan's dad doesn't like Kacchan being the way he is." Izuku's words bring back memories for Shouta. The arguing of his own parents. His father's blatant hatred for Shouta's gender identity, and his mother's fake attempts at acceptance. The attempts that stopped existing the moment she had found out about Shouta's mistake. "Kacchan used to stay with me for a week at a time when it got bad, just until Aunti Mitsuki could get Uncle Masaru to calm down about it for a while."

Shouta can easily see where this conversation is going. Izuku wants this to be a place that Katsuki can come to the same way he used to go to the apartment that Izuku used to live at.

"I'll talk to Hizashi tomorrow about it."

The words draw a smile to the boy's lips. He's sure that both of his guardians will agree to letting Kacchan stay whenever he needs to. They understand what it's like to not be accepted for who they are.

"All right, little listeners," HIzashi crows to wake the sleeping boys. Once they're both alert enough, HIzashi continues, "Since it's the weekend, I need both of you to be quiet so Shouta can get some extra sleep. He has patrol tonight."

Izuku wants to ask if Shouta talked to Hizashi about what Izuku had mentioned last night, but he's sure that Shouta probably hasn't woken up yet to speak to him. He'll just have to wait until lunch to find out since that's when Hizashi had returned the last time he was on patrol with Izuku there.

The three of them sit down to a small breakfast, Hizashi having decided to make a more American breakfast that he had taken a liking to during the year that he interned in America after UA.

"What is this?" Katsuki asks in his normal complaintive voice as he looks at the folded egg.

"An omelet," Hizashi replies without taking his eyes off the stove. "That one is Izuku's, I'm adding some jalapeños to yours since he says you like spicy food."

Katsuki glances over at his friend who just shrugs, unsure what Hizashi has made as well.

Turns out, the breakfast is surprisingly good, and both boys thank Hizashi for introducing them to it before he has to leave for his patrol, reminding them, once again, to be quiet so that Shouta can sleep.

Throughout the day, they just start on their summer homework with hopes to enjoy the rest of the few weeks they have for summer break without having to worry about anything except their project on pro heroes. They're supposed to research one pro hero and their quirk, and talk about how the quirk could be used in jobs other than hero work as well as any drawbacks of the hero's quirks. Since Izuku literally lives with two pro heroes, the boys decided that they'll each choose one of them, and do their research through asking the pair questions about their quirks. As the louder of the two boys, Katsuki insisted that he should be the one to do the project on Present Mic. Izuku was happy to take Eraser Head as his choice since he was the hero who saved him that night. They plan to save the project assignments for after Shouta comes back from the UA summer camp that he has to take his Second Year Hero Studies students to starting Monday.

By the time Hizashi arrives back home, what little mess there was around the house is cleaned up, and lunch is prepared curtesy of Katsuki who had decided to make curry, setting aside some that he added extra spices to for himself. Just as Izuku is about to head upstairs to wake Shouta for lunch, the dark haired hero comes down dressed in his hero costume. Izuku gives him a questioning look, silently asking if he has spoken to Mic about Kacchan's situation.

Instead of answering the unasked question, Shouta quickly signs to Hizashi about what Izuku had brought up last night. Throughout the silent exchange of hand signs, Shouta almost chuckles at Izuku's trained eyes watching the entire conversation, and when the pair come to an agreement that Katsuki can stay with them the way he was used to when Izuku's mother was alive, he's pleased to see Izuku signing thank you to both of them. He had chosen to use sign language for this particular conversation to give Izuku the chance to show Hizashi that he knows sign language. While Izuku turns to Katsuki to tell him the good news, Shouta makes a signed comment about the reasons that the boy even knows how to sign.

While Shouta is on his patrol, Hizashi takes the boys to Katsuki's house so that he can get some of his belongings for staying the week rather than overnight. It also gives Hizashi a chance to introduce himself to Mitsuki so that she will have at least met both of her honorary nephew's guardians. They don't even have to enter the house as Mitsuki packed what her son would need for the week for him after he sent her a text that they were coming for that exact reason. 

"How long is the summer camp that Shouta is going to be at?" Izuku asks Hizashi as the trio are on their way back to the house.

"He should be gone for about two weeks since most of his class are in work studies and can't attend the entire training camp." Hizashi replies.

"Oh." Izuku's voice sounds so dejected knowing that the hero won't be there for his birthday. It's the first one since Inko's death, and he had hoped to spend it with both of the pro heroes who took him in as well as Kacchan.

"What's the matter, little listener? Shouta will be fine, it's just a training camp."

Izuku doesn't respond. He's sure that Mic won't understand. It's not like either of his guardians know when his birthday is because he didn't tell them yet.

"Do you think Aizawa can return early, even if it's only for July fifteenth?" Katsuki asks for Izuku. He knows exactly what's bothering his friend, even if the slightly younger boy refuses to say it himself.

Hizashi shrugs, pulling into the driveway. "I can ask him. Why?"

Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Deku's birthday is the fifteenth.  Even if he won't fucking admit it, he wants both of you to be home with him."

Hizashi decides to ignore the boy's foul language, and instead, focuses on the fact that Izuku's birthday is only a week away. He's sure that Nemuri would gladly fill in at the training camp for Shouta so that he can be home for the little listener. They'll have to talk to Katsuki about what would be a good present for Izuku as well.

Hizashi smiles as he hears the boys start arguing about whether or not it was necessary for Katsuki to bring up Izuku's birthday, Izuku trying to play it off as if it wasn't a big deal while Katsuki tries to make the green haired boy realize that he needs to start thinking about himself more often instead of of always putting everyone else first. He glances back once they've quieted down to notice a slight pink tint to the blonde boy's cheeks as he watches his friend discretely, making sure that the argument didn't upset his fragile emotional state. 

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