Chapter 2: Meeting her

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A/N: I will be using google translate as I am not fluent in Italian. I do know most words and am currently in the process of learning it but am not fluent. feel free to correct me if I write or spell something wrong!


*trigger warning*: gun and killing. I will put ***** for when that part starts and when it ends.

Michelangelo (Angelo) pov:

"Johnny, Johnny, Johnny" I tsk at the man cowering on the floor in front of me.

"It's been what? 6 months since we last spoke since you told me you have my money." I pace in front of him with my gun loosely in my hand (Angelo's guns in the media)

"A-and I do. I-its just going to take some time to gather up."

"But here's the thing Johnny, I've given you time, 6 months worth, and now it's time to pay up." I crouch down to where he was cowering on the floor and wave my gun in his face

"B-but I don't h-have it r-right now" he's visibly shaking

"Capo, ha chiamato donna, vuole sapere quando sarai a casa" (Boss, Donna called, she wants to know when you'll be home) my right hand man Riccardo informs me. Looking at my watch I see it's 11:47 and it's a 5-hour drive home.

"Dammi il telefono," (give me the phone) I say putting my hand out to Riccardo for the phone but not looking at him. I put the phone to my ear.

*Phone conversation* (A: Aria M: Angelo)

M: "Ciao amore mio" (hello my love)

A: "amore quando sarai a casa è già così tardi" (love when will you be home it's already so late)

M: "presto amore mio sto solo finendo degli affari"(soon my love I'm just finishing up some business)

A: "ok stai al sicuro, ti amo" (okay be safe, I love you)

M: "per l'infinito" (for infinity)

A: "e un giorno" (and a day)

*End of phone call*

I end the call and hand the phone back to Riccard.

"Okay so here's the deal, Johnny, I'm running late and the wife wants me home, so I'm going to give you one more chance which I don't do often but tonight I'm feeling generous. So. Where. Is. My. Money.?" I say through gritted teeth.


"I-I don't have it a-all right n-now, but- but I can get it to you in a week. I just need a-a little more time." he pleads and stares at me with pure fear in his eyes. I love this, the way people look at me when I'm holding a gun to their heads, their life in my hands. It makes me feel powerful.

"Johnny I've been extremely generous with you and I've given you MORE than enough time to get me my money." I look him dead in the eye as my eyes darken.

"So here what's going to happen, Johnny, I'm going to put a bullet between your eyes, and then I'm going to have my men strip your house and take all you own to pay off your debt to me." I say with a smile on my face while screwing on my suppressor to my gun. 

"N-no please don't k-kill me, just give me a little more time." He begs

"your begging is pathetic. Dannazione Riccardo ti devo venti dollari" (damn it Riccardo I owe you twenty bucks) I say pulling out my wallet and slapping a twenty in Riccardo's waiting hand. On the drive over here, Riccardo and I bet if he would beg for his like like the low life he was. I actually had some faith he would take this like a man, or at least give me my money.

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