Chapter 13: The Basement Pt.2

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A/N: hey... so umm... it's been a while. 

To be honest, I'm just going to say that I had some severe writer's block. and it wasn't about lack of ideas but more so lack of writing ability.

How are you guys? Is anyone in school? grade? any doctors or soon-to-be doctors out there that would like to give me major advice about medical school?

Feel free to leave any suggestions or ideas you guys have for the story.

Shout out to LesliePalomo2 literally the kindest and most amazing person. They continuously check on me even when I don't reply (because I'm embarrassed about my lack of writing)

Anyway to what you have all been waiting for on to the story...


*TRIGGER WARNING* talks of murder, torture, etc... Also talks of religious aspects. I don't mean to offend anyone so please don't take it that way.

Angelos pov:

I've always loved knives. I love the way they perfectly fit into my hands or the way they slice skin in such a smooth manner. I love the way you can control how injured the person or thing on the other end of the knife is, how deep the blade goes, how fatal the wound is. That is only if you really know what you're doing. And I do. I also love that you can use multiple and make an art piece. Some would say equivalent to Da Vinci or Picasso. Well to say that you'd have to be as... what's the word?... ah yes 'open-minded' as me

A gun just doesn't give you that same control. The same stroke or the same art pieces. I can't recreate my knife work over and over again. With a gun, it varies. They're not necessarily bad but Like I said I prefer knives.

Right now I'm watching the love of my life, the mother of my children, this sexy boss slice into my Principessa's birth giver. And she is beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of her. Aria is sinful in the way she moves. A dance that only she and I understand.

The only thing ruining this moment is the bitch screaming under her. The other 2 are pasted out and I have so graciously given them a break.

"amore mio, penso che dovremmo prenderci una pausa e andare a controllare Winter" (my love, I think we should give it a break and go check up on Winter.) My Bambina (baby) woke up 2 hours ago and we sent her brothers and cousins up to entertain her.

"Winter pensa che fosse un appuntamento e non ho finito con questa puttana" (Winter thinks were on a date and I'm not done with this bitch). True when she woke up she wanted both Aria and me and we heard through the baby monitor Cree tell her we went on a date. I hear a groan to the right of me and I see my brothers, sisters-in-law, and brothers-in-law all jump at the chance to continue what we have started. Both Christain and jimmy? no, Johnny. No, I killed him the night I met Winter. jack? God, what was his name?

"Hey, testa di cazzo what's your name?" (dickhead) I address Winter, stepfather.

"I-its j-j-James-mes"

"Awe are you stuttering? Didn't you call Winter weak and tell her to grow up for stuttering? didn't you bully a 3-year-old for her speech delay and impediment that was probably your fault?"

"N-no I-I didn't. It was her it was all her" He sobs and points to his wife. pathetic

"Well, you see I have 5 kids. And when you are a parent you must guide and teach these mini humans so they don't grow up to be dickheads. So let me give you a lesson. First man up and own who you are" I bend down and grab his face

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