Chapter 10: Meeting the Family

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A/N: Winter is meeting ONLY the family in the "extended family" chapter part thingy. so if you want to get to know them go there or don't. Do whatever you want.

SORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LATE UPDATE. I finished this like 4 days ago but it wouldn't let me post it. I tried figuring it out on my own and even asked other authors for advice or if it was happening to them. I seemed to be the only one having this problem. So I took my computer to best buy and turns out my browser just needed to be updated... So to make up for such a late chapter and my stupidity I've decided to extend this chapter. so it is now extra long! happy reading!!!

Finals are done! which means classes are done until January which means I will write as much as I can.

Also, shout out to @_sunmoonstars  for making me laugh on my post about my bee sting.

Anyway on to the story...


*trigger warning* panic attacks

(all the aunt's uncles and cousins are in the "extended family" part)

Arias (mama) pov:

I'm sitting up in bed watching Winter sleep. I still haven't gotten around to starting her room. Maybe sometime this week when everything has calmed down. Angelo was able to "convince" her birth giver to sign over her parental rights and now winter is able for adoption. Of course, we are going to sit down and talk to her about it before we actually get the process rolling so make sure she is 100% on board and wants to be a part of our family. I think she does but just because she is three doesn't mean she doesn't have an opinion.

I look over at the clock and see it says 9:07. It's time to wake her up and get her ready to meet some of her extended family. Angelo is currently in his office getting some work done before the day gets crazy. Both Angelos younger brothers and their families are coming and also his only sister is coming too. I love Luna. She is just a ball of light. I haven't spoken to her in like a month and it's going to be so good catching up with her. His parents are stuck in Italy so they won't be meeting Winter today. Winter actually won't be meeting any of her grandparents today as my parents are currently in Canada at a vintage car auction. None of them know about Winter and made sure no one tells them because they would drop everything to come and meet my Bambina. (baby) Not only do we have family coming over that could potentially stress Winter out which in turn stresses me out, but Angels younger brother Toni the family doctor is also coming to check up on Winter. He said that he thinks there are other complications with her and he wants to run some tests but he also wants her to be as comfortable as possible so he said he would bring the equipment with him here. I am nervous about that too. After the last visit, I don't think winter wants to do any more tests and I think she might be a little afraid of her zio Toni.

I realize I was lost in my thoughts at it in now 9:20. I walk over to winter and rub her back gently.

"hey, Bambina it's time to get up" (baby) This was a good morning for us. it's the first morning that she didn't wake up crying from a nightmare in a puddle of pee on the bed.

"Nuuuuuu!" Winter rolled over onto her back and tried to fall back to sleep

"No Bambina it's time to get up we have to have a bath and get that tummy filled before you meet your zie zii e Cugini" (baby)(aunts uncles and cousins). I gently drag her back to me and rub her belly. It's not big or chunky like I would like it but she is eating not a lot but she's eating and for now, that's all that matters. We have an appointment with a nutritionist on Friday. I can't wait till all these doctor's appointments are over and Winter is happy and healthy.

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