Chapter 5: Meeting them (Part 2)

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A/N: Hey guys so I may or may not be working on another book. Its just an idea right now and an outline. I kind of got caught up in that idea that why this chapter is kinda late.

Does anyone have any good song suggestions? I like to listen to music while I write and was wanted some new songs to add to my playlist.

On to the story...


*Warning* fluffy chapter and Multiple povs*

Winter pov:

"Ready to meet your brothers?" Ang-papa asked. I just nod and play with my new dragon. I think I'll call him Sage. I wonder if they are going to be nice. Will they like me? What if they don't, will they send me back? Oh no, they can't send me back. I start to panic. I can feel myself being set down and then there are hands on my face wiping tears off. I didn't even know I was crying.

"Hey Bambina, it's okay, you're okay. Copy my breaths. In. Out. Good just like that. In. Out." (baby) Papa says to me in a nice voice. I'm making a weird squeaky noise when I breathe now. It's kinda hard to breathe. I squeeze Sage closer to me.

"Avremmo un appuntamento dal dottore, sta ansimando" (We're going to have a schedule a doctor's appointment, she's wheezing) Mama speaks to papa in weird words. I wonder what they are saying. Maybe they have their own special talk! I wanna know it too.

I stopped squeaking from my mouth and papa picked me back up.

"You'll be fine Bambina they'll love you" (baby) papa says to me. it makes me feel a little better and mama is rubbing and it feels really nice. It calms me down lots. I just snuggle into Papa's chest.

Papa starts walking into the house and I hear a lot of shouting and yelling. I tense, that's what my old mommy and daddy used to do before they'd hurt me. Papa noticed and held me closer looking to mama.

"La prossima persona che urla, urla, urla o addirittura alza la voce al di sopra del livello normale pulirà il seminterrato per un mese e avrà il culo enorme se la sua vita." (The next person to scream, shout, yell or even raise their voice above the normal level will be cleaning the basement for a month and will get the ass whopping if their lifetime.) Mama yells at them. I giggle because she speaking in that weird talk again. After mama said that it got really quiet.

"tutti i ragazzi nel soggiorno principale senza eccezioni" (all the boys to the main living room no exceptions)

"Let's go meet your brothers before they start arguing again" papa laughs. I wonder what's so funny?

Mama walks into the living room first while me and papa stop right outside and papa kisses my forehead before entering.

There are 4 really tall boys in here. I mean tall like trees or mountains tall like papa. They're all on their phones and talking with each other. They haven't noticed any of us walking into the room. I bury my head into Papa's shoulder and hold Sage closer to me.

Mama clears her throat and the talking stops. I snuggle closer to papa and don't come out of his neck.

"Hey, mom, dad whose that?" One of the boys speaks.

"This bambino piccolo is Winter. Winter, can you say hi?" (little baby) Papa rubs my side and tries to get me out of my hiding spot. I shake my head no.

"It's okay Bambina they really want to meet you." (baby) Mama was the one to speak this time. Papa started to rub my back.

"H-hi" I move my head out of papa's neck and gave a little way and then quickly went back into my hiding spot.

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