Christsmas Special: Winters First Christmas

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A/N: Happy new year readers and writers!!! So this is a bonus chapter and doesn't pertain to the storyline. Enjoy and happy holidays!!! I was supposed to post this on Christmas but I'm gonna be honest I got lazy and tried to write this chapter Christmas night and it turned out like hot trash fire garbage. so I deleted the whole chapter and started over.

disclaimer: Winter cant read clocks even digital ones shes 3. So when you see that she 'read' the time she really is just looking at the clock and guessing if it is early or not. She's not actually reading the numbers again shes 3. Also her therapist (later chapter) helped her write the card. Again she's 3.

Also, there will be characters that have not yet been introduced in the storyline in this bonus chapter. I will only provide a pick for one of them.

Winters pov:

I wake up and I don't know where I am. OH WAIT- ITS CHRISTMAS! I remember now! We were all watching a movie in the movie room. It was about a green man and he was super duper angry but I don't know why. His heart was teeny tiny and he didn't have any love in him. oh and he also had a really cute doggie. Anyway, he stole all the people's presents and lights and stuff because we wanted everyone to feel bad too but that wasn't nice at all. Umm, I don't remember what happened next but at the end, he gave it all back, and then everyone had the bestest Christmas ever! I forgot the name of it but it was super good! I wanted to watch it again but papa told me I need to go to bed or Santa won't come. I don't know who Santa was until Mama told me. Santa is a big fat man that brings you presents if you are super good. Mama and Papa and my brothers all told me I was super good this year so ill get lots of presents.

Mama and Papa told me I couldn't sleep with them tonight but I could pick one of my brothers to sleep with. I'm happy that I can't sleep with them because I have a surprise planned for everyone one and mama and papa always wake up when I move. I picked to sleep with Venture because he takes the longest to wake up in the morning which means he won't wake up if I get out of bed.

I tried my hardest to wake up before everyone and I looked at the clock and it said '5:32'. I think that means it's early.

I get out of bed and super duper uber scooper quietly go downstairs. I hided my surprises in the couch.

"Hey, who's in here?" uh no it's Apollo one of papa's guards. I just call him lo-lo though. (in media)

"shhhhhh. i-it m-me Winer. h-h-havta be q-quiets. i-i-i making surpwises."

"Winter you know you're not supposed to be out of bed at 5:47 in the morning"

"b-but havta make s-s-s-supwises b-befores everyone's w-wakies"

"Okay, let's make a deal. I'll let you stay down here until 6:10 at the latest that gives you 20 minutes to finish your surprises. you have to go back to bed though when I tell you time is up or I tell your papa you were down here at this time. okay?"

"d-deals lo-lo!" I say and I put my hand out so we can make is ficials. I love lo-lo I should make him a surprise too!

*Time skip to 6:10*

I finally finished everyone one's surprises!

"Okay winter, time is up. let's get you back to bed" lo-lo says

"Okie c-cans I p-put da s-swpriwses 'way?"

"Sure but you have to hurry"

"I run all the way to the BIG tree we have in the house. I don't know why it's in the house but mama and papa said all the presents go under it. I put all my surprise under the ree and run to lo-lo. I jump into him and he catches me.

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