Chapter 7: Meeting the Dogs

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A/N: Hey sorry for such a late update. I had midterms this past week and have been focusing on cramming and passing them and for one of my classes because it was only an 8-week course I have my final tomorrow. Wish me luck!

I did something dumb. I washed one of my AirPods. :( look in your pockets before you wash your clothes kids. 

Also in about like 3 or 4 chapters, I might be telling Kingston and Crimson's story about how they met and their relationship and stuff. Do you guys want to read that or like you don't care???

Anyway on to the story...

*Trigger warning* mentions of abuse and PTSD

Winters Pov:

"wake up you brat" mommy yelled. I rub my eyes and look around

"w-where m-mama and p-p-papa?" I thought I was with them. Went I fell asleep I was with them.

"Sadly they gave you back you ungrateful brat. Did you really think those people would want something like you?" mommy yells at me.


"But nothing. you wet the bed and you can't even talk right. you're a mistake that I made. I regret having you. You ruined my life." she throws a bottle at me.

"I-I sowwy" I cry. mama and papa really don't want me? is it something I did?

The room starts to go all dark. I don't like the dark. I look around but all I see is black. Everything is dark and black.

After a long time sitting in the dark crying, a light turns on. Then papa walks out of the dark, then mama and then all my new brothers. they are all around me.

"Aww why are you crying," papa asked me. He does still want me!

"m-mommy says o-ous n-no wants m-me"

"she was right. we don't want a crying bed-wetting baby in our family" papa said.

"All you ever do is st-st-st-stutter and cry. it's annoying at first we felt bad for you that's the only reason we took you in but now it's just really annoying." bubby (Cree) said to me.

"wa-wa? I-I sowwy. I d-do bwetter p-pomise"

"No, we don't want some ungrateful cry baby." mama said. then they all disappear and again I'm left in the dark.

"-inter" I hear something

"-ter" there it is again

"Winter" that sounds like papa

"It's okay Bambina it's okay. mama and papa are right here. You're okay you're safe." (baby) that sounds like mama

"Winter Bambina wake up, please. Open those eyes for papa"(baby) I slowly open my eyes and see mama and papa above me. So that was just a bad dream. A really bad dream. I think it's morning because the sun is in the sky out the window. Mama and papa are still looking at me and mama has tears in her eyes. I try to sit up and I feel something wet under me. No, no no no no please no. I look down and my pants are wet and there is a big wet spot under me.

"N-no n-no. I-I sowwy. I no m-m-m-mean t-too" 

"hey hey, Bambina it's okay. it was an accident" (baby) Mama picks me up 

"I-I is bad. B-bad girl." 

"No Bambina you're a good girl. it's okay it was an accident" (baby)

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