Chapter 3: Tourist Attraction

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Everyone watched as Kenzie fiddled with her iPad and statistics and graphs were pulled up on a large flat screen. She took out a laser pointer and stood in front of Leo, Danny and Alexa with a smile.

"First and foremost, welcome to Game Shakers. I'm Kenzie Bell and I'll be presenting the statistics and rates for the current state of our company." Kenzie explained.

"So you're going to brag?" Danny asked and the Game Shakers looked towards Kenzie with worry in their eyes.

"Not brag per say, more you insight on our financial side." Kenzie articulated.

"Oh cool," Leo responded as she looked at Danny "She's totally going to brag."

"Which isn't a bad thing," Alexa said, not wanting to dishearten the girl "We're here to see what you guys got and bragging comes with the territory."

"Uh...okay. Well, if you look to the screen and on the first graph, you will see a steady rise in sales with all our games." Kenzie explained, pointing at the screen with the laser pointer.

"Why are there only four graphs?" Alexa asked.

"That's the amount of games we have out so far, more are on the way." Kenzie explained and all three nodded.

"The most popular one would obviously me our mainstay, Sky Whale." Kenzie said, zooming into the first graph "With over 3 million congruent downloads on the App Store and 5 million downloads on the Play Store."

"Holy crud that's a lot!" Leo exclaimed with wide eyes and Babe quietly giggled at the look on Leo's face.

"It was a hit that-" Kenzie was about to continue to explain but she was cut off by none other than Double G.

"That made bank all because of me." Double G stated, moving from the side and standing next to Kenzie while pointing at himself "With my name attached to the game, Sky Whale turned into a Sky Rocket!"

"I heard that you guys didn't start of on the best of terms." Alexa pointed out.

"Well, you see, it was a complicated situation." Kenzie tiptoed, looking to Babe who shrugged.

"He sued us." Hudson stated with a dumb smile and the Game Shakers gave him strained smiles, trying to hide their frustration "What? It's true. Kenzie and Babe stole Double G's song, he sued them but a dumb kid's toy made him change his mind."

"Hudson!" Babe shouted.

"Yeah?" Hudson asked.

"Shush!" Babe exclaimed, wanting to strangle the boy.

"And it wasn't a dumb kid's toy," Double G said as he sniffed sadly "It was my childhood."

"Really?" Hudson asked "That's sad."

"I'll show you sad." Double G said through gritted teeth, stomping towards Hudson but Ruthless, Bunny and Trip quickly ran over to hold him back as Hudson giggled.

Leo stood up with an amused smile, walking over to Babe as she watched everyone argue.

"Is this an everyday thing with you guys?" Leo asked.

"Only when Dub's here." Babe said, looking at her friends.

"Unhand me peasants!" Double G shouted.

"So yeah, it's an everyday thing." Babe said, turning back to Leo.

Both of them laughed at that as Alexa put two fingers in her mouth and let out an ear piercing whistle, gaining everyone's attention.

"I get that you guys have got some...issues, but we're on a time crunch and you're just wasting your own time at this point." Alexa explained and Double G pushed Ruthless, Bunny and Trip away then dusted himself off, walking over to the side.

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