Chapter 4: The Hunt for Knowledge Begins

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Sorry this so long, but hey we've got a somewhat long chapter this time!


Fundy, confused, stressed, and shaking, started a shower and hopped in. He grabbed the best soap he owned and scrubbed until his skin was redder than a tomato. Stepping out, (albeit in mild pain,) he no longer felt the filth that was.. What was it? Tar? No, his skin would be irritated at the touch of it. Molasses? No, molasses had a brown tint, this stuff was pitch black. Slime? No, most slimes were green.. Hang on. He'd seen black slimes before. Wait, no. Those didn't look like this.

With his desperate attempts to make sense of the situation stifled, he gave up. Fundy would have to search for information from places other than his own mind. Now that he was looking back on it, that probably would have been a good idea to start with.

Suddenly, a small voice awakened Fundy out of his thoughts. Looking down, he found his child, Yogurt, at his side. "Daddy? Are you alright? I heard you have a nightmare.." his daughter asked him. "I'm alright, just thinking." he assured her. "Hey, let's get you ready for daycare." "Yay! Ms. Puffy's!" Yogurt exclaimed.

After getting both himself and his daughter ready, Fundy started the walk towards the community center, in which Captain Puffy had started a school for the smp's kids. Upon arriving, Yogurt ran up to Puffy and hugged her around the knee. Patting Yogurt's head, she greeted Fundy as he watched Yogurt run off to play with this spider kid named Shroud.

"Hey, Fundy! Just dropping of Yogurt again?"

"Actually, I came here for two reasons. To drop Yoghurt off, yes, but also to ask you a question."

"Well then, shoot."

"Do you happen to know anything about people throwing up black goop?"

Puffy thought for a second. "That sounds like something magical. For enchanted medicine advice you'd probably have to go to Philza, he knows a lot more than I do when it comes to that kind of stuff."

"Hmm.. I don't have the best relationship with Phil.."

"Sorry, but I don't know anyone else I could direct you to."

Then, with a sigh, Fundy waved goodbye to Puffy and Yogurt and walked out of the door, heading towards the community nether portal.

He could feel a migraine forming just thinking about the upcoming experience. Alas, he continued on the path, passing through another portal, and arriving on an ice-cold hill just outside a fenced off property. Inside, Fundy could clearly see three houses, two of which were conjoined at the porch. After shaking off the light snow that had fallen upon him, (which he may or may not have only now noticed,) he started forward.

Void mulch. (Dsmp Fundy Au)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum