What should I get from the store?

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Summary: Makoto wants to know what he should get from the grocery store.
(Based off a tiktok I saw, trust me it's fluffy)

Shuichi was having a nice shower, humming a melody to himself as he washed. It was a low dysphoria day, so he could actually enjoy his time under the water's spray.

Out of nowhere, he heard a knock at the door.

"Can I come in, Shuichi?" Called a soft voice from the outside.

Oh, it's just Makoto. "Yeah, come in."

He heard the sound of a door opening, someone stepping inside, and then a door closing. "What did you need, Mako?"

And then, instead of a verbal response like Shuichi had expected, it happened.

The shower curtain was pulled open partially, and a fully clothed Makoto Naegi stepped inside the very much turned on shower, directly under the water.

For a moment, Shuichi was so stunned he forgot how to speak. After a full ten seconds of silence, he luckily managed to speak somewhat coherently. "I- what- honey! Makoto, what the- what the fuck-?"

Completely nonchalant about everything that was happening up until this point, Makoto became confused, maybe a little bit worried as well. "Huh-? Did I do something wrong-?"

"Well- not necessarily, but- it's just- I just- why did you step in the shower? Honey, honey you're soaked oh my goodness-"

"Well- not necessarily, but- it's just- I just- why did you step in the shower? Honey, honey you're soaked oh my goodness-"

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Makoto smiled understandingly. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you if there's anything you want from the store?"

"Wh-what?" Shuichi was trying not to laugh at this point, because honestly, just.. what?

"I'm going to the grocery store. I want to know if you need anything." He said, as if that could even begin to answer all the questions Shuichi had about this situation.

The taller male thought back to what he last saw in the fridge. "Um- I- I don't know? I think we're out of milk? And maybe more tea? And  maybe some candy would be nice? I'm- is that all you need?"

Makoto nodded. "Yeah, that's all I needed to know. Anything else you can think of?"

"No, we're good other than that- honey, honey, please get out of the shower, you're soaked." He chuckled, bending down to Makoto's level so he could nuzzle him.

Another nod, and a nuzzle back. "Okay, I'll get out- I'm going to the store now, call me if you need anything else, babe."

"Please change your clothes and dry off before you go, you're gonna end up on People Of Walmart- I love you, honey." Shuichi kissed Makoto goodbye, and watched him exit the bathroom.

Once he was gone, Shuichi laughed his ass off.

Just what the hell was that?

Later on Makoto ended up being the monthly laughingstock of the internet for going to the store drenched in water lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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