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summary: shuichi wishes that he was kyoko.

i still remember the third of december

it was a cold winter night. shuichi was hanging out with makoto in the latter's dorm, when the heater suddenly stopped working.

the breeze seemed to pick up somehow, temperatures dropping ever so slightly. the detective shivered. "shoot, i should have worn more layers than a t-shirt."

me in your sweater, you said it looked better-

makoto gasped beside him, snapping his fingers. "i think i have an oversized hoodie in my closet somewhere, when i ordered the wrong size. here!"

as his friend said would happen, a large yale blue hoodie was tossed into his lap. "i think it'll look good on you. keep it."

"r-really? wow, thank you.."

"no problem."

-on me, than it did you, only if you knew
how much i liked you-

"that was fun, we should do it again soon. good night, shuichi!"

"good night, makoto."

butterflies seemed to squirm in his stomach as his heart was beating unsteadily. this had been happening more often.. he needed to act on this crush soon.

-but i watch your eyes
as she walks by

he was waiting for the right time to speak to makoto again. lunch was just about to begin, so it seemed like an opportunity to invite him.

-but then kyoko walked towards him, and they started talking.

the way makoto's eyes lit up.. they'd never looked like that when he spoke to shuichi.

what a sight for sore eyes
brighter than the blue sky

kyoko looked pretty. so, so pretty. like an angel. and that was drawing makoto in.

even when, in shuichi's eyes, he was prettier than her. prettier than anything else he'd ever seen, really.

she's got you mesmerized

"do you wanna come sit with me, kyoko? just the two of us?"

...while i die

shuichi felt salty liquid trail down his cheek.

why would you ever kiss me?
i'm not even half as pretty

it was stupid of him, so, so stupid of him to think- to think- to think that he'd even have a chance.

especially not against kyoko. kyoko who was prettier, kyoko who was smarter, kyoko who was the better detective-

kyoko, who was far closer to makoto then he could ever be.

you gave her your sweater

lunch had passed, and so had the rest of the school day. shuichi happened to see makoto in the hall. he was holding something. a.. wrapped gift.

"kyoko? i, um, i got this for you. i hope you like it!"

it was blueberry perfume. she smiled. "thank you, makoto."

it's just polyester

he recognized that brand. it was one he'd used once or twice. it wasn't all that expensive, you could find it at a convenience store or a dollar store, actually. just some regular perfume.

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