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Summary: A small compilation of Shuichi being a dedicated boyfriend, and Makoto returning the favor.

The first time it happened:

Makoto was having an issue.

It was just a small one. Hard to even call it an issue. He couldn't reach the book he wanted to purchase.

Ah, well.. no use bothering someone else, I'll just find a different book. He thought. Just a mild inconvenience, common nature with his luck. He'd probably see it somewhere else anyway-

"Makoto! Do you need help with that?" Shuichi poked his head around from the other isle.

He shrugged. "Oh, well, I couldn't reach the book way up there, but it's fi-"

"I'll get it for you. Fourth volume, right?" The much, much taller male said, being even taller than the shelf.

Really? For him? "Er, yeah, but you really don't have to."

"But I want to. Here, I'll pay, too!" And it was too late, he'd already done so.

So, they bought some books, and may or may not have binge read every single one like the dorks they were.

The second time it happened:

Makoto was in class, patiently doing his work. The school day would end after this period. All he had to do after that was deliver that box of papers to Ms. Yukizome, like Mr. Kizakura had asked.

The bell rang, the luckster quickly bid his teacher and classmates farewell, then picked up the box and began to make his way to Ms.Yukizome's office. He stumbled a bit. Wow, it's kinda heavy.

"Woah!" Makoto nearly fell down as he tried to stop some sheets from falling out of the cardboard container. Scratch that, it was really heavy, even though the only content in there was paper.

"Makoto? W-wait, you'll hurt yourself!" Said lucky student craned his head around to see his boyfriend speed-walking towards him. "Let me help!"

"Really? Wow, thank you!"

And so, they carried it together and may or may not have had a make-out session in the nearest closet afterwards.

The third time it happened:

Our favorite luckster slammed his body down on his bed, sighing agitatedly. It had been a stressful day, and it all happened because he missed lunch. When things like that occurred, it tended to throw his entire schedule off. Mild inconveniences somehow seemed worse than major ones, these days.

Was there anything he could do to relax?

Abruptly, his phone gave a ping. Text message?

My Shu-Shu 🔎💙: Hey, Kyoko said you looked upset when classes ended. R u ok?

The moment he realized who it was, Makoto smiled. Shuichi always brightened his days up.

Me: Just stressed n hungry. But I'll be ok!

There was no response. He waited for a couple minutes, before becoming confused. Is he busy?

But then, there was a knock at the door. "It's me!"

Oh, there he is! "Come on in."

So, Shuichi walked in, with.. a bunch of sweets, movies, and some blankets in tow? "I brought you some stuff, I hope it helps you relax? And are you okay with being touched right now, or..?"

He laid there in silence, blushing. "W-wow.. thanks, really, I don't even know what to say! Thank you! And, yeah, I'm good. Can, uh, can we cuddle?"

His boyfriend looked very happy at the idea. "Yeah, of course!"

And so, they cuddled and watched trashy rom-coms and may or may not have fallen asleep for a solid fourteen hours.

And Makoto's grateful reward:

Hmm, where is he? Shuichi thought, walking around HPA's outside. He'd been planning to ask Makoto if he wanted to go to that new restaurant once it opened up. It was getting dark out, so it was too late at the time, but at a later date would do.

His phone buzzed. Taking it out of his pocket, the detective looked at his messages to find that his boyfriend sent him something.

Love of my life 💚🍀: Heyy Shu-Shu

Love of my life 💚🍀: Can u come behind the academy ASAP??

Me: Of course!!

Off he dashed, to the requested location. Once he'd turned the final corner, he saw-


There was a small picnic, illuminated by candles, and the food was a spread of his favorites. The lovely luckster himself was seated on the ground, looking at him with anticipation. "I wanted to do something nice for you, since you do a lot for me.. do you like it?"

" it? Makoto, I love it! I love you! Th-thank you!"

"Aww, you're welcome! I love you too!"

So they enjoyed their food, and may or may not have gotten a little gayer by the end of the night.

Damn this is prolly shit to the sane, normal person's eye but I love the idea of Shu simping for his partner

By the way comments are my only life force so I'd really appreciate it if you guys could leave some!!

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