Chapter 3

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(Don't play song until I say)

Life was pretty uneventful while you were waiting for your acceptance letter. You tried to get it out of your dad but your attempt was unsuccessful. You were feeding Yama when your father walked in with the mail. "Y/n, your acceptance letter came." It was an understatement to say that I was excited. I was beyond excited; I was ecstatic. "Really?! Bring it here!" I was being impatient. "Open it for me please?" I was being impatient. "Alright, alright." My dad opened the letter and a hologram of All Might showed. He's retired now but he held the number 1 spot on the Singer BillBoards for as long as I could remember. "I AM HERE!" I flinched when he started speaking. "Y/n! I'm very pleased to announce that you got the highest audition score with one other student! You have been placed in the Spotlight course of class 1A! I look forward to seeing you on Monday! Plus Ultra!" I looked up at my dad with tears in my eyes. "I made it! Did you hear that Yama! Mama did it!" 

                                                                                    smol time skip

Before I knew it Monday had arrived. I was nervous to see who I had class with. I didn't know if they were going to judge me or be polite like the few people I had met briefly met at the entrance exam. It didn't matter, I was going to keep my head held high and stay positive. I did my morning routine as usual and chose an outfit.

 I did my morning routine as usual and chose an outfit

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Bakugo x Teen Mom Reader Music AUWhere stories live. Discover now