Chapter 5

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"So, Y/n. Where's Yamamoto's dad?" I froze and felt my breath catch in my chest. "T-there is no father. Just me." Everyone looked confused. "Huh? He's got to have a dad; How else would he be here?" Kaminari questioned. I felt sick. There's no way I could answer. I pushed my food away and reached for Yama. " I'd like Yama back now," I said in an emotionless voice. Bakugo quirked his eyebrow. "The fuck? Answer dunce's question." I was growing impatient and this caused me to snap. "Give me my fucking son!" Tears were beginning to form in my eyes as I reached for him. Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at this point. The second Yama was in my arms I left the cafeteria. They tried to call after me but I ignored them. I went straight to my Dad's classroom and found not only him in there but Hizashi as well. They both looked concerned. "Y/n? What's wrong?" I didn't say anything. I handed Yama to Hizashi before hugging my dad and crying into his chest.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria (NO POV)

After you had left everyone went back to what they were previously doing. Well, everyone but who you had previously been seated with. They were so confused. "I don't understand," Kirishima said. "All we asked was where dad was." Mina was looking down at the table. She had been thinking of what had happened. "Guys, did Y/n looked scared to you?" They all paused. "Now that you men-" Sero didn't even get to finish his sentence before Bakugo interrupted. "Scared?! She looked fucking terrified!" They all sat in silence for the rest of lunch.


Class had begun again and thankfully you had calmed down enough to where it looked like nothing happened. Even though on the inside you were still a wreck. You did what you needed until it was time to leave. Everyone had started to leave and you were left packing up. It didn't take long because now you were standing next to your dad. "Hey, dad? Can you take Yama home? I wanna walk home today and just clear my head for a bit." You could tell he wanted to tell you no but he didn't and gave you permission. You said a quick goodbye to both your dad and son before leaving the room. You walked by yourself out of the school and through the courtyard.

No one was there but you. Or so you thought. "Hey, Y/n! I got a fucking question for you!" Your stomach dropped when you recognized who it was. Bakugo. You stopped walking and looked at the ground. Your heart was racing and you had a good idea of what he wanted to ask. "Why'd you freak the fuck out when Shitty hair and Pikachu asked about the brat's dad?" You were about to snap. "I told you guys. Yama doesn't have a name." Bakugo kept pressing. "That's fucking impossible! The brat wouldn't fucking be here if he didn't have a damn dad!" That was the last straw. "I WAS FUCKING RAPED OKAY! HE'S NOT A BRAT! HIS NAME IS YAMAMOTO!" I had completely broken. I fell to my knees and began to sob. Bakugo was frozen. He wasn't expecting that.

He broke out of his trance and rushed over to you. "Fuck... Shit, um. I'm sorry Y/n." He hesitantly pulled you into a surprisingly comforting embrace. "I'm no good at emotions and shit." You were still crying but had tightly returned the embrace. "I-it's alright. T-this is n-nice." You said in between muffled sobs. You were slowly calming down. "I-i'm sorry for s-snapping at you." Bakugo was surprised. He wasn't expecting you to apologize. "Don't worry about it. I deserved it." You were finally calmed down enough to the point that you pulled away and stood up, Bakugo followed suit. Your eyes locked for a moment. It ended as soon as it started. Both of your faces were red. "I should get going... My dad has Yama and I need to get back to him." Bakugo nodded. "Let me walk you home. It's the least I could fucking do after the shit I just caused." 

You allowed Bakugo to walk you home. Surprisingly enough you both lived fairly close to each other. You arrived at the front of your house turning away from the door to face Bakugo. "I'd like to apologize again. I didn't mean to snap at you." "Tch' I already told you. I fucking deserved it." Looking at the ground I asked what had been plaguing my mine. "Could you please not tell anyone about how I had Yama?" I looked upawaiting his answer. "Did you think I'd really tell anyone about this shit? I'm not that much of an ass."  This made me giggle. "I never said you were an ass. Have a good night Bakugo." I turned back to my door and walked up the steps hearing him say 'Yea whatever' before going inside. 

The rest of the night was both emotional and calm. I told my father what happened and we ended our night with watching a movie. Yama snuggled up on my chest and Zashi sitting with his arm around my dad. Everything was how it was supposed to be. So why did I feel like something was missing?


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