Chapter 4

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(Play song when I say) I was feeling nice so I uploaded early!


I finished singing and looked up to see my whole class staring with their jaw dropped. I was waiting to be booed but it never came. Instead, I was met with an eruption of applauds. I smiled brightly and bowed. I took Yama back from my Father and turned to face bakugo. "Good luck, Bakugo." I was expecting a thank you but that's not what I got. "I DON'T NEED LUCK!" His loud voice startled Yama so badly he started to scream. I saw Bakugo's eyes widen when he saw Yama crying. His shocked face soon changed to remorse when he heard Kirishima make a comment. "Bakubro, you made Yamamoto cry! That wasn't manly at all!" Bakugo looked down for a brief second then back at me. His face said it all. He was sorry. I nodded as a sign to show it was okay. He quickly turned his head to look the other way and I could've sworn I saw a faint blush on his cheeks. I stood next to my father with a now calm baby in my arms, waiting for Bakugo's performance to begin.

(you can play the song now)

Will you hold the line?

When every one of them has given up and given in, tell me

In this house of mine

Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me

Will the stars align?

Will heaven step in will it save us from our sin, will it?

'Cause this house of mine stands strong

That's the price you pay

Damn... His voice... It's kinda hot- TF?! Why am I thing this??

Leave behind your heart and cast away

Just another product of today

Rather be the hunter than the prey

And you're standing on the edge face up

'Cause you're a natural

A beating heart of stone

You gotta be so cold

To make it in this world

Yeah, you're a natural

Living your life cutthroat

You gotta be so cold

Yeah, you're a natural

Will somebody

Let me see the light within the dark trees shadowing

What's happening?

Looking through the glass find the wrong within the past knowing

Oh, we are the youth

Cut until it bleeds inside a world without the peace, face it

A bit of the truth, the truth

That's the price you pay

Leave behind your heart and cast away

Just another product of today

Rather be the hunter than the prey

And you're standing on the edge face up

'Cause you're a natural

His voice is really powerful. It's almost aggressive but with charm.

Bakugo x Teen Mom Reader Music AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu