Chapter 9

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(This is just the date.)

I couldn't really find a pants option that I liked so feel free to Imagine whatever you'd like.

This but with thigh-high socks color of your choice.

It was now Saturday. Two days since Katsuki had asked you out. Your dad agreed to watch Yama while you were gone which you thanked him for multiple times. You showered and did your h/l h/c in a (hairstyle of choice). You kept your makeup simple and only used mascara, a clear lip gloss, and a small amount of concealer. 

Katsuki was taking you out for breakfast and then to something else that he had said was a surprise. You gave Yama a hug and kiss goodbye first before hugging your father. You had just grabbed your purse when there was a knock at your door. You quickly answered and as you had assumed, it was Katsuki. He was wearing an oversized black sweater with a white collar at the top as well as some black jeans with a belt that had explosion decals on it. For shoes he wore his usual black and orange combat boots.

Once he had saw me, I could see a smirk forming on his lips. "You look good." I smiled softly and walked a few steps closer. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Katsuki nodded to my father who was standing in the doorway. "You ready?" He asked me. I gave him a closed eye smile and nodded "Definitely!"

*mini time skip*

We walked down the streets of downtown Musutafu. (Idk if there is a downtown so just roll with it 😅) we passed a few cart vendors as we walked. There seemed to be a small festival ahead. As we were walking by a cart I noticed it had jewelry. I barely saw it for a minute but something immediately caught my eye causing me to stop. It was a grenade necklace.

The thought of it reminded me of how Katsuki likes explosions and how he has a grenade Keychain on his backpack. Before he noticed I bought and paid for said necklace and put it on before catching up to him. Hopefully, he'd notice on his own. 

We walked through the festival stopping to look at all the different items being sold. They had a stall that sold items for children of all ages. I looked at it for barely a second before Katsuki had pulled in in that direction. "Katsuki? What are you doing?" He turned back to look at me. "I want to get something for Yama." was all he said before continuing into the little tent. 

(Smol time skip to after they bought the stuffs)

Katsuki ended up buying Yama a teething necklace and a little hedgehog plush. Only because I insisted. We finished our time at the festival and went to a restaurant. The waiter brought us to our table and Katsuki even pulled out my chair. "Why thank you!" I said with the biggest smile I could muster.  We ate and talked together for what felt like hours. It was so easy to get lost in his eyes. It was getting late so we ended our date. For some reason I almost dreaded walking up the stairs to my home.

 I didn't want our time together to end but I knew there was someone who was missing me. "I had a really good time tonight. We should definitely do this more often." I said once again looking into his mesmerizing ruby eyes. "Ya, definitely." I knew he was trying to be chill, but I could see that he truly meant what he said. Reaching up I kissed his cheek and retreated into my home for the night. I slept peacefully that night with my little Yama close by.

I know this has been a long time coming but here it is!!!


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