chapter 1

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Denki layed in his bed in his dorm and played GTA 5 while eating chips and listening to music. He wore a boxer and a long orange hoodie from his boyfriend Katsuki. Bakugo walked into the room and looked at him "Kam? Stop snacking- I made food!" Denki looked at him and ate another hand full chips. "Hmph! Make meeee!!!" Bakugo walked over, took the chips and thew them away "Now get up and go eat!" Denki whined loudly and stood up. "I won't take pants on!" He quickly ran into the kitchen. Bakugou looked angry and ran after you "Kaminariiii!! Go put some pants onnnn!!" Denki ran faster and hid behind Kirishima. "NEVERRRRR!!!!" Kiri quickly activated his quirk and looked at Baku confused. Bakugou looked at Kirishima angryly "Give me Dunce face.. Right now..." Kirishima gulped. "W-What do you wanna do to him B-Bakubro?" "He needs to put pants on and eat.." Denki whined. "Gimme a piece from your pants then I will eat..." "Fine." Bakugou went to his room and grabbed some pants. He ran back and gave them to you "Now put them on and eat." Denki smiled and took the pants on, sitting down on a chair and starting to eat. Bakugou death stares Kirishima and sat next to Denki. Denki cuddled into Bakugo's side and smiled brightly. Bakugou smiled a bit. Denki stood up as he finished and went into his dorm. Bakugou followed behind, still death staring Kirishima. Denki floped on his bed and started playing again. "What are you even playing that's this detailed-" Denki chuckled. "I play GTA 5! Do you wanna lay with me?" "Yea sure dork-" Bakugou laid next to him and snuggles his arm. Denki pulled his arm away and layed on Baku but so that his ass is facing him and crotch is touching crotch.

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