chapter 13

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Bakugou sighed as he sat down and hugged him "Let's do whatever you want love, we can do anything." denki hugged Bakugo tightly and sobbed a lot. "I love you so so so much! J-Just stay with me the last monts till I´m away forever..." "I'll stay with you forever, don't worry love.." He held him close crying. Denki Just cried a lot more as he just held his Daddy Close. Bakugou tried to calm him down holding him close. denki curled up into Bakugo´s arms and just sobbed while letting all his tears out. I rubbed to back holding his head. Denki just continued crying, wanting it all to stop. "Go to sleep dear..." He kept his boyfriend close. Denki nodded and slowly calmed down as he feel asleep. Bakugou yawned and after awhile he fell asleep. Denki woke up in the night again, throwing up a lot blood on Bakugo and getting weaker and weaker by the time. Bakugou woke up and looked at him "B-Baby. . ." Denki looked at him and sobbed heavily. "S-Sorry B-Bakug-" he passed out and fell on the floor. Bakugou got up quickly and held the fallen male "Denki?!" He started to sob and picked him up, carrying him to the car and quickly driving to the hospital "Please god be okay..." Denki woke up after a few days and started coughing up blood. He was pale and his body got more skinny. He couldn't really talk, drink, eat or see. The doctors kept Bakugou out the room doing experiments on the ill male. Denki just cried due all the pain that he had. "P-Please m-make it s-stop... It h-hurts..." he continued saying that and soon fainted again. After a few hours they were still testing. Denki woke up again, looking worse and so terrible. "I w-want B-Baku..." he said while starting to cry.

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