October 27th

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Jamming/cleaning day!!!!

I'm not particularly happy. Because I hate cleaning.

Aria and I are really messy.

She goes shopping all the time and just dumps clothing on the ground. I'm no better. I take everything out of my closet in search for the perfect outfit. Add accessories and school stuff and you have a landfill.

Which is why I decided to clean up.

I even specifically told Collin to not text me until I was finished. I'm not screwing around today.

Dressed in sweats and blasting Alanis Morisette, I clean up. Once or twice, someone knocks on my door and asks me to turn my music down and I oblige. Other than that, I stay completely motivated.

Which is why I got mad when Thom texted me.

Thom: dress warm we'll go on a coffee break Zayn and I will be there in twenty

Nichole: no I'm busy!

Thom: You're cleaning that can wait

Nichole: -.-

Thom: we can get you a dress

True. The dance is this Friday, and I still need a dress. My mom was going to take me to get one, but she bailed.

Nichole: k I hate you

Grudgingly, I get dressed in a green sweater, jeans, a black pea coat, and boots. Grabbing my phone, I go outside and wait. I still have to wait for about five minutes.

It occurs to me that my only friends are of the opposite sex. Why do I have no friends that are girls? I mean, I love my boys to death but I need someone to shop and gossip with. It was kinda Aria for awhile but that changed.

A Corolla pulls up. The window rolls down and Thom's face shows, with a complete look of seriousness. "Hey, little girl, want some candy?"

"Actually, candy sounds great right now," I say back, with complete seriousness as well.

Zayn, Thom's brother, leans across and says "Get in loser, we're going shopping."

Car ride = super enjoyable. Zayn is really funny and actually quite attractive, and we have an overall good time. Whenever I'm with Thom, I can be weird and inappropriate. I can be like that with Collin, but it's much more subtle and classy. Thom and I - complete freaks. We listen to Green Day and My Chemical Romance and Eminem in the car, and we all rap to All of the Lights by Kanye West, because we are just cool like that.

Thom directs Zayn to a part in downtown Tacoma near a fancy private school*, which is close to about an hour for the ride. We pull over near a Starbucks.

"So this is a coffee break?" I ask Thom, as we start walking on the sidewalk. "About an hour ride to the city to get coffee?"

He nods. "I actually really wanted to go to the city and just hang out with someone. Everyone else bailed on me." He shoves his hands in his pockets. "And we need to talk."

I nod. "About what?"

He puts his hand across my face. "Multiple things. But caffeinated beverages first."

I lick his hand, and he yelps and wipes his hand on his jeans frantically. "Ewwww!!!!"

I laugh hysterically.

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