November 14th

141 3 0

"And since we have around twenty-five minutes of class, I'm going to show you an improvisation game." Mr. Folger jumps up onto the stage.

As much as I hate to admit it, my acting skills are crap. I don't really see the point of pretending to be someone else, and I always over-exaggerate. And nowadays I always dread coming into this class. Why did I choose this class again? Oh yeah, because I thought it would amount to something.

I groan and lean backwards in an effort to pay attention.

"And now for volunteers!" Mr. Folger says, his eyes scanning the entire room with twenty five teenagers. "Nichole, Eric, Vanessa, Xander!"

Shit. I missed the instructions. And I can't just ask the teacher for a full recap. Double shit.

I make my way up to the stage, and plant myself between Vanessa and Xander.

"So Eric starts, and you start with the letter O," the teacher says. "Any ideas for a setting or predicament?"

Artie raises his hand, and in the friend way, I know he sees this as an opportunity to make my life hell. "At a concert."

Mr. Folger nods. "And action!"

"Oh my God, Becky, I like totally heart One Direction!" Eric says to Vanessa in a valley girl accent. This kid is a fantastic actor, and he will make anyone laugh.

"Please, I choose Justin Bieber over anything!" Vanessa shoots back.

Oh shit my line. Shitshitshitshitshit.

I see Thom in the audience, who mouths Alphabet.

Oh okay so lines in alphabetical order. I have Q. Well shoot.

"Quiet down!" I yell. "I'm trying to read!" I crouch down and mimic reading.

"Reading?" Xander snorts. "You don't read at a concert!"

"Stop harassing her!" Eric yells in the accent. "Like, totally not cool!"

Vanessa hesitates, and Mr. Folger claps his hands. "Hesitation! You are done!"

Vanessa dejectedly walks off the stage, and it's left with us three.

"Try to stop arguing you guys, I'm fine!" I pretended to put down my book.

"Unless he stops arguing, we'll stop arguing," Xander says.

"Very well, you wanna fight me?" Coming from Eric, that one scene kid that is one of the funniest people in the ninth grade, it's just hilarious.

"Wait, guys, no!" I shriek.

"Yes, I will fight you!" Xander says.

I assume we skip X and Z.

"Another option would be to not fight," Eric says. "But that would be stupid and with no closure."

"But we're not supposed to mosh at a One Direction concert!" I stand up.

"Can't you see we're trying to fight here?" Xander looks fake-angry.

"Don't get involved!" Eric yells

I hesitate.

The whole class boos, and Mr. Folger says, "Hesitation. Off the stage."

This goes on for fifteen minutes without stopping. It's a beautiful cycle of awesome actors.

"I have an announcement to make!" Mr. Folger says. "First of all, there is going to be a play soon, audition information will be posted outside. And also, the only group participating in the West Coast Showcase, please stay after. You are all dismissed."

There is chaos leaving the room, everyone chatting happily. I stay in my seat.

When everyone is gone, Mr. Folger smiles and says, "So I hear you all are doing well in terms of practicing?"

Everyone nods enthusiastically.

"Great. How well do you think you're doing?"

Thom grins. "Great. Almost all the songs are memorized."

"Well, everyone who is participating in the showcase at this school is required to perform for the school during the assembly."

"Wait, so we have to perform in front of people?" Aria asks, lifting her head up.

"Yes. It is required. Please see me with any further questions. I really do hope you will all do great. Have a good day, children. Go to your next class or you'll be late."

"Wait!" I say. "When's the assembly?"

"November 25th, which is six days before the show. Now you really all should get going, before you are late."

Everyone leaves.

Artie catches up with me in the hallway. "Hey."

"Hey!" I say, smiling.

"Okay, so you know that play Mr. Folger was talking about?" he asks excitedly.

I stop walking. "Where is this going?"

"Well, I really wanna audition, because I think that I would play this one character pretty well."

"Cool," I say, walking again. "Go for it."

"You should audition, too," he adds. "You really need to work on your acting skills. You weren't that good back there."

"Because I sing, not act."

"In this school, you need to master acting, dancing, and singing to graduate."

I groan. Really? "Fine. Whatever. I'll try out."

Artie does a mini happy dance. "Yes!"

"But only because I don't want you to be alone if you make the part."


Update! Sorry it's late, u guise. :-/

Teaser: maybe play auditions. I'm trying not to add the drama but more of the performing-ness of the school.

Obsessed with Wings by Little Mix. It finally came out in the USA. So I've been listening to it nonstop.

If you happened to read about a certain party in the previous chapters, I apologize for changing it. I just didn't know what I would do. There would literally be no context to it.

Also, I realized that Thom is basically my dream man in a nutshell. So if you find yourself in him... I love you.

Love you guise! Thanks for putting up without the update! I know how it feels because some authors on here won't update and it's horribly frustrating.

(⌒▽⌒) -哎玛

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